Chapter 12: Knocking on Heaven's Door

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Song of the chapter: Knockin' on Heaven's Door by Guns N' Roses 

Anna opened her eyes in complete darkness. There was no comfortable bed under her now but something hard and when she tried to sit up she hit her head on something. With a groan she grabbed her head which felt like was on fire. In the darkness, she tried her surroundings with her hands and it took her a while to realize that she was in a small box. A while ago she had been in Hell but now she was locked into a box. Was this a new way to torture her? Anna tried knocking on the 'ceiling' but that only resulted in something wet falling onto her face.

"Eww" she said out loud and touched whatever it was. It smelled like...soil. There was no soil in Hell so why was she smelling it now. She tried knocking the 'ceiling' harder and soon her hand went through it and touched with what she assumed was soil and dirt. With force, Anna continued digging her way through and soon her hand went through and she could feel the fresh air.

Now she could get rest of her body out of there and soon Anna was staring at an empty field. It confused her as this definitely wasn't the Hell she had been a while ago. Had she come back to live? After thinking a while, she cursed to herself. Sam and Dean must have done something stupid. She swore she would kill them when she just found them. Anna started walking with weak steps towards the only thing she saw, an abandoned gas station. While walking she realized that her heart was beating weirdly. It was fast although her pulse was normal. What was going on?

Anna entered the empty building and found a restroom. When she saw herself from the mirror she gasped. She looked exactly like she had looked like before going to Hell but there was a huge scar going through across her face. It didn't look very pretty and it would take a lot of make up to get it covered. Anna checked rest of her body and to her surprise, all her old scars had gone away except for one that was new. On her shoulder, there was a huge scar that looked like a handprint which hurt when she touched it. She had either gotten these scars in Hell or whatever had gotten her from there had given her them.

Leaving the bathroom, Anna suddenly saw a very bright light flashing outside and soon a terrible noise filled the room. She covered her ears with her hand but it didn't help. The noise was high and it didn't make any sense. It was something Anna had never heard before. It didn't last long and when it finally stopped, Anna decided she needed to get out of there. First of all, she had no idea where she was and second of all, she didn't know how she would get anywhere. She looked around the gas station to get any hint where she was and saw a phone.

Anna quickly put the number of Sam on the phone but her twin didn't answer. Next she tried Dean and fortunately, he answered.

"Who is it?" Dean muttered on the phone. Anna could hear the alcohol in his voice. She had guessed that he would drink himself to death after she had died. Refraining from scolding him, she took a deep breath.

"It's Anna," she said and a silence fell on the phone call. It wasn't going to be easy for him to believe it was her. They were too smart to believe that but if it had been her brothers who had brought her back to life, he must have at least a suspicion that it could be her.

"Whoever you are, don't call this number ever again," Dean said and then the line was dead. Anna sighed. Now, her only chance was to get to Bobby's somehow and there was only one option she could take: hitchhike.

Anna had hitchhiked only once in her life and that had only been from Bobby's place to the town – and the driver had been Bobby's neighbour who knew Anna. She wasn't really sure if she should trust strangers to driver her but there was nothing else she could do. So, Anna went and find the closest road with cars and stood there with her thumb up feeling stupid.

The sister in troubleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora