Chapter 19: Angels Don't Kill

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[A/N: This chapter is very weird and I had hard time writing it. It didn't end the way I originally planned it to end but I just wanted to get something out. Also, sorry for the change in the music genre, I know it's not what we are normally used to haha At least the chapter is longer one again!] 

Song of the chapter: Angels Don't Kill by Children of Bodom 

Anna was going through her daily research trying to find a case for them when Castiel suddenly appeared in front of her. Her heart almost skipped a beat as she silently admired how collected he looked. He was staring at her clearly confused as why she was looking at him like that. Finally, Anna cleared her thought awkwardly and stopped admiring him.

"Where are your brothers?" Castiel asked and part of Anna was disappointed that he hadn't come for her but for her brothers. Ever since he had stopped her at the cliff, she hadn't been able to get him out of her mind. It was very abnormal for her to think about someone like this and she wasn't sure why the man seemed to live in her head rent free.

"Sam's on a food run and Dean's fixing something on the Impala, again. I don't know when they are coming back but I'm sure you can find them on your own," Anna said trying to focus on the research in front of her. She had just found an article about six people getting killed and their hearts had been ripped out of their chests. All the evidence implied that it was werewolves and now, Anna just needed to convince her brothers to go and hunt them.

It had been only few days since her... incident, and she doubted Sam nor Dean would let her come along very easily but she would make them take her with them. She couldn't stay locked in the house; she would go crazy. The thoughts about hurting herself were constantly present; no matter how much she had realized she didn't want to die; the thoughts didn't go away. The only way Anna believed she could ignore the thoughts was to stay busy and her brothers must understand that. The boys did the exact same thing every time they weren't feeling so good.

"I came to talk to you, in private," Castiel said and Anna stopped what she was doing. Knowing the angel had come for her after all, made her suddenly feel shy. She wanted to curse at herself, why was she acting this way? He was just Castiel, he shouldn't have this kind of effect on her. What was the effect, anyway? Anna didn't crush on people, never had, so why did this feel like she was having a crush on the angel?

"What's up?" Anna said calmly.

"I want to check your health." After hearing that coming out of Castiel's mouth, Anna wanted to laugh. He sounded like a doctor saying things like that. She knew what she meant but he probably didn't know how it sounded like he was her private doctor.

"Oh," she said. "Well, go ahead... Doctor."

Castiel frowned and tilted his head in confusion. "I'm not a doctor, Anna. There is not much resemblance between doctors and angels even though we can both do some healing, doctors with huge limitations."

"I know you aren't, you just sound like one," Anna explained amused at the angel. He was so naïve sometimes and that reminded her how he wasn't used to humans. He hadn't been on Earth for that long and it made Anna remember that there was a reason why she shouldn't be attracted to him. Castiel was an angel and she was a human and she doubted mixing those two together would bring anything good.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you confused," Castiel said slowly and Anna just shook her head as she gave out a laughter. She moved onto the couch where the angel approached her and put his hand on her forehead.

Anna tried to relax but she couldn't. The man was touching her forehead and for some reason that made her feel emotions she probably shouldn't feel in this situation. She closed her eyes as Castiel kept his hand on her for few minutes before taking a step back. Opening her eyes once again, Anna looked at him in expectation of some kind of answers. The angel was the only one who could give her those for now.

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