Chapter 21: We're not gonna take it

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Song of the chapter: We're Not Gonna Take It by Twister Sister

Anna watched her brothers annoyed. They were trying to hustle some drunken men at pool while Sam pretended to be drunk himself. He was rather shitty at pretending to be drunk, he didn't act so tough when he really was drunk. Her twin had always been rather sarcastic and sassy when drinking too much. Anna had to admit, though, they were doing pretty good.

She took a sip of her own drink in silence. She had been feeling weird the few past days and she just couldn't put her finger on it. Surprisingly, the dark thoughts had gotten lesser and lesser which was a relief but it also scared Anna a bit. Why had they suddenly stopped coming so frequently? Castiel hadn't still figured out a way of getting rid of them but if this was going to continue, the angel wouldn't have to do anything about them. The unawareness of everything made Anna anxious and she didn't like it.

Dean exclaimed happily as he won another round again and the men paid their fees with sour faces. Shaking her head, Anna focused on her drink but a woman on the other side of the bar caught her attention. The black haired woman was eerily familiar and it took Anna a moment before she realized it was Ruby, the Ruby. Her breathing got quicker as she assumed she would have something planned for them. Anna was just about to turn to warn her brothers when she saw Sam already walking towards her. Awesome!

She left her drink on the table and followed him with Dean who was being annoyed that Sam had just told the man who he had played against that he could keep the 500 dollars he had won from him. The annoyance at the money went away as soon as he realized who they were walking towards to. Dean's hands squeezed into a fist as they reached Sam and Ruby.

"You got a lot of nerve showing up anywhere near me!" Dean raged at the woman who didn't even bat on eye at his rant. She only sighed patiently and stood up. Anna could see the looks she was giving to Sam. Those were most definitely suggestive faces and she so hoped Sam wouldn't bite. It was already bad enough he had slept with Ruby and had been drinking her blood.

Ruby shrugged. "Listen, you grumpy grandpa, I'm here to give you some information and then I'll be on my way out. Believe it or not, I enjoy your company as much as you do mine."

Anna didn't trust the demon at all. No matter how much Sam had tried to explain that she was trustworthy, Anna just couldn't see a way of her to trust her. Ruby had a motive for helping Sam and it wasn't just a wish to get in his pants again. Sam refused to listen to Anna and Dean and it had caused too many fights between them. Honestly, Anna hated fighting as it drained all her remaining energy.

"Anna Milton," Ruby said and Anna raised her eyebrow as she heard her own first name. she would never get used to discussing people with the same name as her. "The angels are pursuing after her."

Dean crossed his arms. "And should we care?"

Sam threw a glare at his brother. "Ruby, is there anything else you can tell us?

"Well, she must be quite important because even the orders given to demons tell to bring her back alive. Alastair is after her," Ruby said. This information was interesting but Anna refused to believe her. Maybe Castiel could bring some light on this, but then, on the other hand, if the angels really were after this Anna girl, even Castiel wouldn't probably be able to tell them anything.

Like Ruby said, she disappeared without a word after she thought she was done delivering the message. The siblings left the bar soon after in confusion. Well, Dean and Anna were annoyed while Sam was rather excited that they finally had new information. He didn't seem to have any suspicion over the truth in Ruby's words. Only now, Anna realized that her twin really seemed to trust the demon blindly which scared her. If a demon had managed to wrap Sam around her little finger, what else could he be vulnerable for?

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