Chapter 29

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Aubrey's POV

Everything was dark, I couldn't move, faint sounds around my head as I floated in the dark abyss of nothingness. I raised my head where a faint light was seen.

I tried pulling myself towards it as I hovered onward,  when I felt a grasp on my leg and a very loud screech like that if a banshee.

I stared at it, it's tangled hair and it sickly white skin. It's sunken eyes, and pale skin why does it come to me, was this what Edgar had seen but why did he I thought shaking my leg, its twig like fingers held my foot pulling me downward while struggled with it.

I had been screaming and shaking as it kept dragging me downward.

No.....,no......, this can't happen I said staring at it until it just stopped and pulled itself upwards to be at eye level.

I watched it's unchanged expression before it opened it's mouth wide and began killing my ears with it sound.


Arthur's POV

I sat there staring at her lifeless body, this isn't the girl I talked to when Adelaide died, what happened to you I whispered removing the piece of hair on her face.

I stared at her pale skin in contract to the machines she's been attached to, I sigh and held her hand when the heart monitor started going wonky I screamed and called for the doctors.

With utmost fear, I watched her doctor rush in as the beeping of monitor ran faster and the lines became harsher, her breathing erratic as her chest moved up and down harshly the doctor was fidling with every machine there as I stood in the corner watching the scene my heart palpitating.

It seemed like hours when everything stopped suddenly,  her eyes opened swiftly before she began convulsing, a trail of foam leaving her lips.  And her eye's rolled back to the bed, the restrained her and injected a fluid into the liquid which made her calmer while I watched her go to sleep.

What is going on with her and why does she have to suffer alone, I thought.


Aubrey's POV

I watched it screech bloody murder until every where became calm, I faced it as it turned it's back and moved away but I heard it just barely a whisper it spoke, not really spoke rather imitating voices the first one sounded like a girl screaming and pleading as I watched it's features give a smile before moving away.

A shudder ran through me as I continued pushing towards the light stretching my body in it's direction as I float upward like that of a starfish, I was finally in front of the light the warmth it radiated was welcoming as I moved closer and closer the faint voices getting louder as I moved my eyes as I fought with the harsh light.

Then I got face to face with him and with a hiss I asked , what is he doing here and where is Kyra.

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