Chapter 4

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*Aubrey's POV*

I stared at the clock dead on while my body twitched every now and then watching it tick away without a single care in the world just a few more minutes and schools closed for the day I thought.

My uneasy fingers drummed along the surface of my desk trying as much as possible to ease out the nerves.


"Uhm yeah" I said slightly startled from my miniature panic attack

"Are you okay" Arthur whispered

"Yeah" I say my tongue darting over my chapped lips

"Are you sure" he said with a clearly worried expression sketched upon his facial features.

"Yeah am fine, thanks" I say with a forced smile

Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick I sat down in what felt like chains with the very strong feminine urge to pull at my hair. The sound was mocking, it was maddening that as soon as the bell rang announcing to the whole school it's last activity I was up and bolting out the door leaving everything and everyone behind me.


Ringing my lower lip between my teeth, my rushed movements caused the wind to slap me mostly towards my face, I paid no interest to the pain that shot up through my nose hopefully I will come to think of that later as something else had preoccupied my mind at the moment.


I made my way to my house and towards the steps not acknowledging a single life force around me, I just needed to wrap my head around this fucking mess and hopefully just blame it on lack of sleep.

I approached my room door  slowly counting each step as quietly as my mind found every way possible to ease itself, fear shot up my legs, beads of sweat started to form on my forehead, my heart picking it's pace as it pounded making me gasp for air practically begging it to flow throw me and into my lungs.

My shaky hand moved towards the doorknob as I swung my bedroom door open, I approached the picture with shaky fingers pulling the tarp over it off but as my eyes scanned the canvas feeling the color on my face drain as it stood in the rays of the sun that shun through the window.

It remained like night before as still and stoic as it'll ever be, like nothing had ever happened, like there wasn't a picture of Adelaide upon it, like it hadn't been admired by my sick little ass, like it wasn't drawn so majestically every stroke like a portal making the onlooker catch a glimpse of the incident through the eyes of the painter who at this point seems to be a murderer.

Frozen I was as It just stood taunting me like I had run mad, like I didn't see what I saw, like it was just an optical illusion done by a magician it stood there blank and void of all the emotion I had been deceived to see.

It was just a plain white canvas and how I so wish it wasn't.

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