Chapter 6

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**Kyra's Pov**

I stood at the bottom of the stairs as I watched her jog into her room without her usual prep in her steps, What the fuck happened to us, I thought staring at the door she just locked behind her.

Making a beeline to the kitchen, her face kept on flashing through my mind. My arms began to quiver making me grip the sides off the sink as I released a shaky breath with my eyes shut tight, my knuckles had turned a ghostly white as my grip on the sink got tighter to keep my body in check, I felt beads of sweat begin to form as I held down the growing urge.

I stood in that position for minutes am sure, the alarm from Bree's ice bath going off making the intensity of the situation roll off me like it never happened.

I released another shaky breath as I held unto pieces of furniture, pulling my way through and into the sitting room, I dropped myself unto the comfy two seater couch and curled into a fetal position with my grip, strong on a floral throw pillow, tears flowed down my cheeks and the muffled sound of a bleached whale escapes my mouth.

The shrieks of her alarm became more and more distant as I was shrouded in silence, the noise I know all to well.

More cries left my mouth as the lack of sound became more and more torturous, I could feel my ears bleeding as it pooled dripping from each side, the dull painful thumps making the situation more and more unbearable from all the noise that accompanied it, at this point I missed the voices and the havoc it brought with it.


I sat up in my bed(how I got here is a mystery for another time), it was nighttime almost midnight I whispered as I checked the clock beside me I laid back once more, facing the ceiling and hearing the light whistle of the breeze through my window, my arms shaking ecstatically as I was hit on the face again with silence, my eyes glued shut as I turned on my side, this is what you get for selling your conscience at a flimsy price Kyra, hopefully it's for the better I sigh.

Welcoming the comfort of the dark and plunging into its never ending abyss as a single tear escapes from my shut eyes.

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