Chapter 8

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*Aubrey POV*

I stared at the ceiling  aimlessly as my wandering thoughts won't let the rest of my body retire for the night.

It was already 3 in the morning my body had been working on a low bar all night and I still can't place a finger on the mystery behind the monstrosity that was placed in my room.

I stared at the canvas neatly placed on the easel, the moonlight gliding along it's features making it glitter effortlessly.

I made my way towards the object holding my breath; in fear it might crumble under my intense gaze, I felt a push towards it, drawn to my materials.

I began mixing paints from olive, to turquoise to scarlet to blue. I let the brushes take the lead not making sense of what's going on or why such things were happening.

The moonlight illuminated the ample structures and lines being done on the plain white tapestry, flowers and trees came to life as I slowly added the finishing touches to the feminine features that were beginning to form within the chaos, it spun around like a stop motion film before color was yet to be introduced to the theater.

I stared at her, my brush dangling between my fingers.
(She was beautiful). I was at lose of words, her pale skin glimmered under the moon light, Her rosy cheeks were full of youth, a looney smile etched on her face, she had beautiful red locs that seemed to flow over her shoulders, which was done into a french braid with stray pieces of hair here and there, adorned with flowers and a wreath placed on the crown of her head, her eyes shown a bright emerald green full of life and yet lost at the same time; she laid in a white sun dress, a knife was driven deep into her abdomen as I notice the light traces of tears sketched unto her features, her delicate fingers were set in place on the frame of it's handle.

My stomach churned as I struggled to keep last night's dinner down as much as I could.

The more I stared at the blissful pain of this woman, the more pain I felt in my stomach, directly above my bellybutton.

I gasped for air stumbling a bit, I knocked the paintbrushes off the easel as the world became dizzy before my eyes and I plunged deep into an unsettling darkness.


I bolted up from sleep, balls of sweat clung to my form, as  light ringing in my ears seemed to cause me a brain splitting migraine.

My eyes trailed over to the corner where the unstained board was stashed, I quickly shuffled off my bed making a mental note to dress that later.

I slipped my padded feet into my slippers as I made my way slowly to the canvas covered by the usual grey tarp.

My eyes trailed over the devilish tool giving my shacking figure words of encouragement while pondering on either to rip it off slowly or as quickly as a bandaid.

*Deep breath*

Here goes nothing

Taking ahold of the fabric with shaky hands, I peeled it off to see what I feared the most.

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