Chapter 12

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*Kyra's POV*

My head buzzed as I began to gain consciousness, the world spun under me while I took note of how beautifully my bare skin is in contrast to the bright red colour painted on the tiles.

I sat up, grabbing unto the nearest piece of furniture and pulling myself up and onto my feet, I steadied myself with the walls and dragged weak figure towards the tub.

I shut my eyes while recollecting what happened before I passed out as the water hit the tub and steam rose to the top covering up the whole room.

I made way to turn off the tap and immerse myself into the boiling water, a sigh of relief rolled off my lips as silence creeped in and over took my senses.


I drained the water as I heard rushed footsteps making way towards my door, my breath hitched as I stumbled backward trying as much as possible to prevent a panic attack, I took deep breaths counting backwards from 10 to 1 as I silently applied ointments to the wounds and slowly wrapped it in a band-aid.

Tears rolled down my face as I  counted over and over again in hopes to avoid the pounding sound on the door, I rolled on a pair of thigh high socks, shorts and a top as I waited for my assaulter.

I waited in the defining silence as my mind spun a thousand and one scenerios I could find myself in but nothing came, nobody passed through the door nobody pounded hard until I heard the breathing on the other side retreat and the footsteps fade away.

I dropped to the floor finally letting go of my calm facade.

"I didn't mean to kill him, he attacked me that's the story k keep going with the story".

I thought as my mind screamed out and even if I was to tell the truth I have been sworn to secrecy, I was tongue tied by trauma and even though I went through everything it was still my fault.

Why, why does the truth hurt.

I cried until my tears ran dry and I was numb to all emotions I stood up and walked towards my closet in hopes to find it, I fished out all my clothing to show a hidden door I pulled it's key off my neck and rubbed it between my fingers as I twisted it.

Here goes nothing I thought as I pushed the retched door open.


I stared at the only thing left, that could send me away from the continuous guilt and sufferings. My hand glided upon it's cold metallic frame as a smile finally embedded my features.

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