Chapter 3

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~Adelaide's POV~

My eyes search rapidly as my heart pumped faster, I felt blood in my mouth as I walked down the road from therapy.

I recited my montra over and over again as I tried my best to get home without the possible out break of a panic attack.

I break into a sprint, my grip on my book bag as I let my feet move on its own, dragging me as fast as it could carry me, I heard footsteps approaching picking up it's pace as I did.

I turned into an alley to hide from whatever or whoever while I recited my montra, I waited for some time practically begging air to flow into my lungs while I listened to my surroundings with my eyes closed but as soon as I left the alley due to the lack of heavy breathing and footsteps.

I was met with a being, with dark souless eyes and a menacing smile, a blood curdling scream left my mouth as I took off again without much thought of looking back, my bag was no where to be found as I felt the sweat drip down my face.

I stumbled onto the school grounds while taking my environment in, I took off again.

I feel like the person's always two steps behind me or should I say two steps ahead of me I thought picking up my pace, I ran as fast as my legs could take me threading around school grounds with each of my senses on alert.

20 more minutes to 12:00 a.m. I thought staring at the clock as I sat in the courtyard behind the fountain trying  to catch a breather until I felt a harsh tug pulling me up by my hair I screamed as I seemed to convulse in place but everywhere was so still and everything was so serene that even the evening breeze refused to intrude in fear of breaking  it due to its fragility. I stared the being with fire and burning in my eyes.

I held unto it's sickly fingers as it smiled down at me a smile so bright that it felt unnatural, so painful, it's Cheshire cat like smile took a deep turn as I finally accepted what I felt... madness.

I struggled but it's grip just tightened as the wind was knocked out of me, the entity drew my head unto the fountain again and again and again and again gashing my skull in the process I felt it continuously drilling into my skin as it's laughter filled the dark and eery night, my head felt airy and all over the place, blood trickled from the huge gash at the back of my head it got so usual as the pain number, I smiled so bright you'd think I saw heaven.

I wasn't mad I thought, I wasn't suffering from delusions as my guardians always bring up but if I die right now without any struggles and even if I lived telling tall tales about this unfortunate night I will still be the mad girl.

I grabbed its arm as it wrapped it's cold, bone like fingers around my neck and pushed my head into fountain this was the biggest struggle of my life, my lungs felt set ablaze as the water passed into them making me jerk uncontrollably in hopes of getting myself out of it's death grip.

I heard the clock in the school chime giving up on surviving as I accepted death, I heard it's hushed whispers clearer as it spoke what my heart content fear sketched unto my face when he said atleast you saw the next day didn't you Adelaide Ceaser, just let me clear you of this burden. it's gruff voice went quiet as I was consumed in darkness.

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