Chapter 17

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*Aubrey's Pov*

I walked closer to the canvas, step by step like it had this somewhat magnetic pull.

I placed my hand upon its surface as I felt, for that weird energy it gives whenever a soul is grieving in pain and torture.

I breathe in the air emitting from the peculiar surface it smelt of death, it smelt of torture, it smelt of sorrow, of depression.
Someone is about to die and that someone is close I can feel it but it's not as strong.

Whoever they are, aren't close to death which is quite unusual as the smell is always so prominent that it can be smelt from the next room.

Though the canvas started giving me tell tale signs of the next masterpiece from its upcoming muse it's not enough, I usually fall unconscious after its unseen tentacles wraps itself around me and forces me to paint the gruesome feeling of the Innocent victims that suffer whatever they go through.

While unseen words are whispered into my ears to explain to me and to keep me from going down rite delusional while drawing painful deaths but....

The thing is the victim always dies with fear and life a-and happiness glowing from their eyes, are they actually happy after all this and to die of paranormal suicide.

What those it tell them and how does it manipulate them as it manipulates me, I think as I feel a headache brewing at the back of my head making me dizzy and knocking me off my feet.

I battle with consciousness as my bathrobe unraveled leaving myself vulnerable to the world.

I stared right back at the canvas before everything around me became pitch black.


I don't know how long I have been out for but I do know that something is staring at me through the window as I stare right back at it but with the blink of an eye it's gone.

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