Chapter 23

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*Samantha's Pov*

It has been months currently running into half a year, since my girls and I settled down into this barely put together town, I decided we needed a new beginning, since we drifted apart. I have long since sat on this thought and  honestly I'm beginning to slowly regret this, ringing my lips through my teeth as my thoughts formed a dark cloud on the top of my head.

While driving back home after my night shift, the eerie silence was being filled with the steady rumbles of my car, my mind full of thoughts when I noticed the unexpected road block so to speak.

A shiver ran down my spine as I noticed it wasn't a road block but a girl just about the size of Aubrey, I honked over and over to get her attention but she didn't move, I reached for the breaks but they weren't working it was more like it increased speed and the breaks where as stiff as a log.

I braced myself for impact but nothing came, I was more or less swallowed into a thick dark blanket.


My body feels numb as I struggled to pull myself out of the plunged abyss I threw myself into, I heard the sound of sirens, crushed leaves and rushed speaking. Gasps and cries followed immediately after, I forced my eyes open as pain shut up my spine when I saw Aubrey, but it didn't look like her, though it had her brown eyes, to her upturned nose and thin lips, she looked sickly and pale, her lips where chapped as though she hadn't had a drink of water in years, she was lean and malnourished, her cheek bones sunk in and her hair looked shorter and greasy, she looked like she was pulled out of a ditch with how dirty she was.

I followed her bewitching eyes down and my lower abdomen I stared at my body hanging unto each other by little threads of flesh and if not for that I was practically split into two.

I stared back at her sinister frame as a teeth shattering smile slowly made way on it's face, its eyes filled with no emotion at all.

I watched it come closer, one of its hands held a toothbrush and the other hand came towards its face making me shiver, my throat ran dry as I tried to speak or scream if possible.

I pulled my hand towards my abdomen and decided to pull my lifeless body along the pavement and towards safety but as I thought I was at safety I felt something drive into my skin.

I began to convulse and shake, I glanced at it and my eyes began to roll to the back of my head, my back arched in pain making the thread like flesh detach from my lower body.

Pain shot up my spine and blood spewed over me before I gave up my fight and was finished up by the creature.

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