Chapter 15

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*Aubrey's POV*

"I had begun my project in loving memory of my wife, I didn't expect the fight of things to be over money as daily works was beginning to take a toll on me.

Did I think I was ready enough as I felt the pain drill my system, while mourning my dead wife did I really think about the whole situation immersely while sitting by her grave stone for sure she would have wanted me to move on, to stop grieving and to take a breath of fresh air but she also isn't that type to believe in if the person's deceased to fulfill what ever it is he or she demanded until your fully healed from the mourning stage she would say
"Don't over work yourself to death or else even the deceased would twist and turn in their grave" honestly when ever she said that, a smile would grace my features due to her believe in Hogwarts magic but now I just hope that I hadn't made my forever bounded restless as to twist and turn in her eternal place of rest.



I sat up on my bed as rays of light pooled into my bedroom from my fairly translucent curtains that was gotten back at Trayson my former home of departure.
I had a very dull throb at the back of my head as I realized I fell asleep in my clothing of yesterday, I groaned as I stood up to take a shower.

I stripped of my clothes and tried putting the twisted birds nest on my head into a messy bun, I jumped into the tub and turned on the shower head as ice cold water rained down on me.

A sigh of relief left my lips as I closed my eyes as my body calmed down in huge notches, I felt like adrenaline was pumping through me, it's rush was addicting or was I sick from the continuous deaths caused by my canvas that sometimes when I close my eyes I see there stale eyes staring back at me but something about the deaths I've drawn usually the last emotions is still etched unto their faces but what scares me the most is the fact that the emotions are a mixture of pain, fear , happiness and ethereal bliss which scares me.

Why you may ask?, cause it looks like they where relieved from something or someone else that may have made them go through hell like they had been set free and are welcoming the hands of death in a bear hug.

So what could be the issue with this town cause from what Edward has written down in his journal I don't think all this is clearly what meets the eye.

I think it goes way deeper than that and this town might be carrying heavy dues that had been spilt on their head by their fore father's but the only way to find out is by only one way I thought as I walked out of the bathroom and into the room I couldn't help but spare a glance at the canvas hidden under the tarp and stashed in the far end of my room.

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