Chapter 7

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⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️

Mentions of selfharm, abuse and mental health fragility.

• Read at your own risk ⚠️


**Kyra's POV**

The morning rolled in faster than expected, rudely introducing it's presence with rays of sunshine that spilled through my fairly translucent curtains and unto my face.

A groan escaped my lips as I tossed and turned like a fish out of water finally coming to terms with the sickly feeling in my body I pulled myself of the bed and into the toilet.

I stripped myself of everything  ready to take a shower, when a sight in the mirror caught my eye. I squinted my eyes at it,it copied my movement making me touch it's surface.
Is that me. 

My mind began producing a million reasons why as I stared down my horrid reflection with tears pooling in my lifeless eyes.

What happened to me.

My eyes wandered, my ratty short hair that stops at the end of my chin, dark circles grazed my eyes, making my eyeballs look sunken in its sockets, my lips where pale and chapped, a scar went across my lower abdomen starting from my hip, various cuts littered here and there from my laps to my upper arms, I was thin, too thin, I looked more fragile than a baby bird that even when, I breathe my ribs peek through.

I released a shuddering breath
as my onyx colored eyes taunted me, with all the emotions I've hidden for so long, I closed the door as I slid down into a sitting position and wailed out.

It's all my fault if I hadn't done something so dispecable my guilt wouldn't be so undeniable, I was stressed out of my mind and there was no way out of the abyss I had plunged myself into.

I put on a bathrobe and took out a blade and did a number on my thigh making cut after cut going deeper and deeper as my hands began to quiver.

I screamed bloody murder my voice dripped so sourly with pain and other unruled intentions, I watched my thigh bleed the tiles getting a new shade of red as my breathing became ragged and heavy.

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