Chapter Thirty Four

Start from the beginning

I chew on my lip for a second. It's clearly not nothing. I'm not stupid. I open my mouth to speak when I'm cut off by Luca's stomach rumbling. My head pulls back slowly and we share a glance, then Luca laughs.

"Are you always hungry?" I narrow my eyes playfully.

"When I'm around you, yes," he clarifies, which makes me smile. "Because you always feed me and I never leave here without being full."

We stare at each other for a moment before Luca widens his eyes. "That sounds really wrong," he states hesitantly but I laugh anyway and wrap my arms around him again, pulling his body on top of mine.

"I'll leave you full if you want me to," I whisper in his ear as our cocks brush one another through the material of our boxers.

Luca shudders in my arms and relaxes into me but when his stomach growls again–clearly not reading the room–I roll him onto his side. "It's trying to cock block us," he jokes and I raise my brows.

"I can see that," I laugh. "Come on, let's get some breakfast."

I roll out of bed and grab a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms before sliding into them and keeping my chest bare. Luca steps into the en-suite with his t-shirt and boxers, we both brush our teeth and he stares back at me in the mirror with a smile and toothpaste dripping down his chin.

Once we get downstairs, I glance in the fridge to find something that we could make. I hum and take out eggs and bacon. "What do you think about breakfast burritos?" I suggest.

Luca hums in approval and I find him rubbing his stomach. I bite back a laugh and nod. "We can put eggs, sausages, bacon, hash browns and avocado," I state. "What do you think?"

"Hell yes," he hisses.

We work together to get breakfast running smoothly. He places the sausages and hash browns in the oven whilst I prepare the bacon and eggs for when everything else is ready.

I twist my head and take this moment to admire Luca. His feet are bare and his t-shirt resting just over his semi-tight boxers. He's reading the back of the hash brown packet carefully, those brows pinching to make sure he got the timings right. The smile on my face is imminent. God, he belongs here.

Something clicks in my mind. Pieces fitting together. This is it. This is everything I have ever wanted and I've never felt so content.

Luca catches me staring and tilts his head. "What?"

"I love having you here, in my kitchen," I take two steps towards him and he flicks those big curious eyes up at me. "It feels right. Like you were always meant to be here."


I bite down on my bottom lip, sucking it into my mouth. "Yeah," I rasp as I grab his hips and hoist him up onto the counter so his legs dangle over the edge. I settle myself between his knees, our faces merely inches apart. My hand rests on his cheek gently and he nuzzles his face into it. "You know you can tell me anything, right? I don't like it when I know something is wrong and you're trying to mask it."

We both know I won't let it go. I'm a very stubborn man. I will find out everything.

Luca glances down, his eyes faltering for a moment. I dip my head to catch his face but he cowers away from me.

"I don't like knowing my boyfriend is sad and doesn't want to confide in me."

He flicks his gaze to mine quicker than a flash of lightning. "D-Did you just call me your boyfriend?"

I grin because I did. I'm not even sure if I meant to say it but I certainly meant it. I don't want him dating anyone else, I most definitely don't want to be dating anyone else. "Yeah... you are, aren't you?"

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