Hampered Metka-Boy

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|🌀|Aonung POV:

- A doorknob. My eyes widened and I saw Neteyam's eyes look surprised too as we both jumped away from each other, I switched fast and moved somewhere to my side where some tools were hanging on the cabin walls, he turned over to the table looking confused at the bows that were aligned bigger to smaller order,

In the meantime, a door was heard opening as it slammed into the wall, " Hey- Boys, Is everything alright? " Hus'kno asked as soon as she opened the door, I could recognize her voice as I turned to face the door and also to clear my throat, " Yeah, We- we were getting the weapons ready. " I explained politely, stuttering for a bit as my eyes noticed both Ran and Ela'va by Huskno's side at the door frame,

She nodded softly at the both of us, " Very well I'll wait outside, " she added with a grin and turned to go back, as both Ran and Ela'va joined us.

They were holding a laugh so bad, that we both sighed in relief as Neteyam was more or less a tomato, " Oh my Ewya- this was hilarious! " Ela'va added mid-laughing as Ran wiped their tears away, " Holy- We didn't even know you guys were inside- " Neteyam frowned slightly at them as I started frowning too until I could hear him burst into laughing too,

" Oh...My- this was embarrassing " He added with relief too leaning by the table behind him, covering his face with his palms, I couldn't help but smile at him, " That was close- did you guys see anything at all? or- " I asked both of them, they looked at each other trying to calm their laughs down, " Small view, you're arms on his thighs were pretty obvious, " Ran smirked, My cheeks flashed as Neteyam frowned a bit to me yet he pinned his ears back, " Hope she won't say anything- " I added soon after.

" I mean we did notice, maybe she just didn't? " Ela'va also said, as I sighed, " Tho- Really? In a storage cabin? " Ran added with a sarcastic tone to it, I raised my shoulders, " What can I say? " I added, " Also the hitting or whatever was also pretty loud, she heard whatever was that " Ran added back, My eyes widened for a second as my face made a poker move on me,

Neteyam started to chuckle, " Oh- Really? " I frowned pushing my elbow into his shoulders, he'd smiled instead at me, " Let's get the weapons already, " Ela'va added as she was already on the other side of the room getting some spears ready,

Ran followed fast after, " Say less, Baby! " They added a funny word to it, as I turned around to the tools against the wall getting some less heavy bows and more useable for kids Neteyam joined me too, he started moving his arm upper trying to reach for one of those bows frowning as I noticed while setting some bows on the table.

I turned and got closer to his side and then reached for that exact bow too, he looked rather annoyed as he looked up at me, " I'd probably get that, alone thank you. " He'd add, I slightly chuckle as I looked down to at him from the side, " You'd probably won't, shortie, " I said as he smirked slightly and looked up and down at me, " Shortie, huh? " He added as I pressed a small kiss on his shoulder, my pupils softened, " Mhm~ " I added with a slight purr to my tone getting closer and turning to him,

My eyes wondered for a bit past Neteyam noticing both Ela'va and Ran looking at the spear's sizes on the wall, their back at us, no one we could see us.

I leaned in and kissed him as I received a slight jump from Neteyam, he'd pressed his hand on my chest and looked behind him with his eyes noticing both Ela'va and Ran looking away and turned to me instead, " Not here- " He'd add with a small cute frown, I smirked instead and let myself lower to his side, to his ear, " You have to ask me nicely~ " I added with a purr once again making him groan a bit to me, like a small hiss towards me,

I wasn't happy with this little interruption we just received, this cockblock wasn't necessarily wanted, and I need my little moment with my boyfriend back, to be honest.

I felt two arms around my neck, pulling me even lower down like he was just about to kiss me just like that until I felt a pull at my ponytail. I slightly hissed louder making both Ran and Ela'va turn around worried.

I backed away fast, blush on my cheeks, and cleared my throat, " We're- were ready to go! By the way- " I said to them they both looked at each other and then turned away getting the spears, I looked down as he chuckled like that his tail wagging happily, I frowned more annoyed,

Ran and Ela'va finally left outside the door with the spears leaving the door open as Neteyam went and picked up the bows, I also went to get my pair of bows for the kids, He turned to me and fastly got on his tippy toes and press a small kiss on my left cheek.

" Don't be mad at me now love, " He'd add with a soft tone to it as he noticed I was still frowning, I sighed for a bit, " Okay.." I added he made an 'awe' face at me and then turned to face the door and before he could go on his way he turned to me and winked.

" We'll talk more tonight, okay? grumpy? " He'd add with a flirty tone, nothing I ever heard from him, my tail started to wagg confused as I looked just as confused at him with my pair of bows in my arms.

I nodded at him as he returned me a small chuckle before going on his way out, back to the kids with his pair of bows in his arms.

I swear, sometimes I can't believe he is my boyfriend.

𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungWhere stories live. Discover now