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|🌀|Aonung POV:

- I finally closed the door behind him as I took a deep breath in, I don't think we ever had a serious talk before like this one, just the two of us, and not even adding the subject,

I could go on and put my point of view even clearer for him, but I knew where this was going, our different way of seeing whatever was happening between us was going to end in a fight if I wasn't going to stop, even tho he also had the choice to continue it.

I even felt sad again, I forgot why I was mad the moment he entered my house and started telling me sweet words and went on and started kissing me, I forgot everything, nothing mattered anymore, just him in my arms, just us, together.

I wish I could talk about my feelings with him, I am terrified to do that I don't even know how to do that, but now? now when I know for sure what he wanted out of the two of us, it makes everything even harder,

I think now I realize why he didn't want to talk about whatever we had between us, and why I agreed, I was scared of this exact thing, the different way we see this situation and the different way we want to deal with it, 

But he did already, he told me the thing we are and I know for sure I am not okay with it, He wants a hook-up, just these moments of pleasure and fun but when those are gone, whatever we are is also gone.

I'm just a toy to him, something he can have some fun with and escape the stuff he has to deal with at home with his family, and I don't want to be a hypocrite I enjoy those too, I love them.

But then again I can't agree with him, I don't know what I want from him, but what he wants is not the thing I want.

I felt my head fuzzy and hot, it hurts but this time not the way I liked it and not the way he made it hurt, i was tired, and I didn't know what I wanted from this random guy who appeared in my life, but now I know what he wants from us, and that- that is wrong and I don't like it,

It's not like I can have a choice, it's do and be what he wants or be nothing at all.

- Just the thought of that is making my heart go fast and my world would collapse, I loved having him this close to me, and I think I would like even more to have him all the time and for everyone to know that.

I went to wash my face and clear my head and went outside, I had to talk to Rotxo and I needed to take my mind off the situation I was in as fast as I could because if I wasn't my whole mood would be just as bad as the whole thing,

Rotxo's cabin wasn't as far as Neteyam's so in three minutes I was already at the door knocking, his parents weren't home as at this hour the hunting would be already starting,

After I knocked I had a view of my best friend who to my surprise looked extremely sad and fucked up and I was hit by enormous guilt and sadness even a bigger one than I had,

" Oh- hey dude " he responded as he saw me, " Hey- um can I come in? " I asked him as he stood to the side and let me in,

"So, how are you? we haven't hung out in a while" I asked him as we both sat down at his dining table, he hummed something and then got up, " Want something to drink? " he asked, I nodded a no, " You could have some " I said, as he went to get some coconut milk for himself,

" So? how have you been "I asked him again,

" Good I guess," he said, I frowned, " Dude- come on, it's been some weeks I think..but I'm the same you can talk with me," I said a bit mad but he got the point, and sat back down,

" I know- you're right, it's just, I guess you found out what happened since you came here.. " he responded, i nodded lightly, " So you're not mad at me? " he asked, i tilted my head,

" Why would I be? " I said confused. " Well you know, that I kissed one of the freaks.." he said with a sad tone, I shrugged.

Does he think that? " Dude- the hell get that out of your head," I said as he looked surprised at me, " You can kiss and like anyone, I don't care as long as they make you happy " I explained he smiled at me a bit,

" Thanks, dude... " I got up and took myself some coconut milk and went to him patting his shoulder, " So? how did it happen," I asked him as his cheeks went slightly pink, and then he responded with an angry tone, " I don't know... I was showing her some of my biology related books and she was so fascinated about them and when the distance between us closed i- leaned in and kissed her... " he explained each word fast and confused most of the time,

I hummed, " Well- did she run after that? " I asked, he sighed and nodded, " She got scared, I was an idiot for doing that," he said,

" You're not an idiot, you just did what you felt, she seemed to like you a lot too "I mean not that I can judge him, I kissed ppl that,

" She did? " I nodded, " Dude- ur kidding she's in love with you man, it's obvious, and you are too," I said as he sighed, " Yeah. I guess "

" I'm saying you should talk with her, see what was the reason why she ran away, and confront her about it " I explained,

" I know- I tried but she's avoiding me at any cost," he said, I sat back down and sipped from my coconut, " Well, maybe I can make her come to the coconut area where we used to hang out, could you come there? when I call you? " I said as his face grew.

" Would you do that for me? " he said in a happy tone, I chuckled, " Dude- of course, man count on me " I said as he went up and hugged me as I also stood up, " Dude! Thank you! " he said I rolled my eyes and patted his shoulder, " Dudes for dudes, don't forget that " I said as he smiled at me, " You made my day! " he said, " Yeah- sorry I haven't been here earlier, I got caught with something " I said,

" You tell me? it felt like years, I don't know what have you been doing all this time? " he asked me, and I almost forgot about it, or well- kind off,

" Nothing interesting," I said in a bold tone, " Well then you need some interesting stuff in your life, " he added as I nodded and chuckled, " Yeah- I guess so " 

As he went to get the change I waited for him in the kitchen, so we could hang out a bit, after all, you don't get this free time with a situationship like mine, hm?


- ROTXO ONLY IF YOU KNEW- HE EVEN FU- A FREAK- /j (not yet)                          VROOM!🤸‍♂️

(comment&vote more for those couple therapy hours, they need them) ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang