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|🌀|Aonung POV:

" Ok, then go on," he said as I fixed my eyes on the poorly target made on the wide tree in front of me, my mind was fuzzy and I felt my hands sweaty, I let go of the arrow and it hit the tree much up then the target.

" Fuck- " I breathed out, I felt so much tension in my body, I know what that freak tried to do, but the way he tried to flirt with me went too far, and as much as I hate to say that was so fucking hot.

I rested my hands on my knees as I tried to let my mind clear, " You seem tense  " he said from behind me, he had his arms to his chest looking at me like some mad trainer, acting like he didn't just flirt with me seconds ago, 

" Oh? Do you think so? " I said sarcastically, he raised an eyebrow before cornering a smirk at me, " Oh, well I don't know why? you don't like my ways of training then? " he asked me using some stupid tone I never heard like he was playing with me.

" Yeah, I'm wondering if you do the same thing with your brother when you're teaching him, " I said matching his tone as I straightened my position, " I don't know what you mean " he spoke again as I half scoffed, " You flirted with me," I said as I turned on his side close enough to look down at him as I pointed a finger at his chest.

" I did? " he said in a calm tone fixing his eyes on mine, " Yeah, you did," I said with an even angrier tone, he tilted his head at me, " Well I guess a flirt for a flirt," he said as my eyes widen a bit.

" What? " I asked, " You did flirt with me yesterday, didn't you? " he said as I rolled my eyes and put my arms to my chest to match his position, " And? what if I did " I answered as I looked to the side using my arrogant tone. he started to move to my side, " Then we're even " he said as he went to my side and then around me pulling my tail a bit as he passed I turned around fast frowning at him, as he went to pick up the bow I put on the sand.

He picked up as he aimed at me, he let go of the arrow as I went down so the arrow wouldn't hit me, " Are you sane!? " I said using a more scared tone than an angry one, he chuckled, "I was just hungry " he added as I turned around to see two coconuts fall from the palmer tree he hit.

" Wow, Well you were about to eat me at the dinner if I didn't move away from the arrow, " I said as he went to pick up those coconuts, " Hm, well you don't look very tasty, " he said throwing me one of the coconuts, I caught it

He sat down on the sand, and he used his pocket knife to open his coconut, I used my hands to open mine, " Show off " he said as I smirked then sat down next to him, " Yeah I am stronger than you, " he rolled his eyes at me, " But I'm smarter " he added as I scoffed, " What you say, Freak " 

I said as he didn't answer back, he just frowned at me and went to eat his coconut I didn't know what happened to make him lose his smirk, he went emotionless again?

" Did I do something? " I asked after a while of eating, he looked at me from the corner of his eye, yet said nothing, " You know, I don't understand you," he said after another minute, I tilted my head, " What do you mean? " I asked.

" Well yesterday you flirted with me, the next day you're smiling, smirking, and spent time with me for no reason at all, and then you either fight my brother or even me and call me things," he said as he rested his cheek on his palm and let his elbow on his knee, looking at me as he spoke.

I looked at the sand instead as his words left me speechless, I mean, yeah I did fight him, and his brother and call them different things many times before, but for a while now I kept acting different around him, with no reason at all...

I wanted to speak to say anything at all, but he just went back to eating his coconut and I just couldn't word anything in my mind, I felt wordless, but I wanted to say something.

" You should get going with your training," he said as he finished his coconut and got up cleaning the sand off him, I also got up, " Yeah," I said.

" Ok, went with your position again, but this time relax more and keep your eyes on where you want to hit " he added, anything soft or fun or any emotion from his tone was already gone I really felt like a normal trecher was just teaching me right now.

I took the position he showed me, I fixed my eyes on the target took a breath in and out, and pulled the arrow, my mind was fuzzy. once again all I could think at that moment was the vision I saw days ago, from the headache I had from the anger I felt that day, him down lying on the sand with his nose bleeding.

I couldn't word what I felt then, but I refused to think about that since that day, I refused to let my mind work around that thing my mind created and made me see, but if I do let my mind think about that right now I think I felt,

Worried, and very scared, the thought of him calling me a monster, the thought of him seeing me, a heartless creature with no feelings made me feel sad that he might cut me off because of that, and even tho I don't want to go that deep, and I want to deny everything I know and I think I know, but I was so fucking terrified that he might stop talking with me if I ever snap on him like that, that he might leave me and act like I don't exist,

And I was so terrified because I started catching feelings for him.

I let go of the arrow as it hit the leaves of the tree I felt my water line fill, my head howling with thoughts, " I can't do it, OK? " I said as I dropped the bow before looking at the arrow that hit the leaf, I stormed out, passed him, and went back to my cabin.

" But- "I heard before I stormed off, and then silence I think he was just as tired of me as I was of myself.

𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن