I Feel Loved.

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|🌀|Aonung POV:

- Sometimes I wish I was less horny, not that I am a horny person, but let's say since I did meet you know who, I have been extra horny than usual, which if you didn't know, horniness makes someone a lot happier.

As I left his cabin, after lunchtime, I went back to mine, being hungry as hell I got inside and met my sister who sat down at the dining table,

" Did you finish your job? " I asked her, and she sighed and drank from her coconut, " Yeah, you know I had double the job because you didn't want to come " she complained,

" I know, I'll make it up to you don't worry," I said getting an apple from one of our baskets, I was supposed to join her and the rest in helping the hurt ilus and the broken cabin, but if I did I couldn't go to Neteyam.

As I sat down across the table from her, chewing on my apple, she looked at me weirdly and then put her coconut down, " Who did you fight with.. ? " she asked me, I raised an eyebrow


" Huh- " I answered, well for sure today I did not fight anyway, I was with Neteyam the whole time, " The bite mark on your neck " she pointed out, and I almost felt my apple coming back up.

" Oh- that " I felt my ears hot, for some reason, I knew that idiot bit me too hard because it did leave blood, but even a mark? did he even see it and let me go back home anyway?

" I um, idk," I said, again I think my lying has gotten worse, what the fuck should I tell her? That I hooked up with someone and that someone bit my neck...yeah, not something I'm very proud of,

" You don't know? " she repeated, I raised my shoulders, " I think so " she frowned and got up getting to my side of the table and looking close to my neck, " Are you sure- that looks pretty bad " she answered, I sighed.

It didn't hurt at all, " Yeah, it must be from days ago or something " I said she got me some cold fruits to let them on my neck, " Keep that there " she said passing me a frozen papaya.

I just took it and placed it where the mark was, hoping it would go soon, I don't usually get marks on my neck from fights, so explaining this is going to be hard.

" I should get going," she said after I finished my apple, " Where? " I asked her, " I told Lo'ak and Kiri I will meet them after lunch, " she said, Neteyam's siblings huh?

" Hanging again with those freaks, huh? " I said, don't get me wrong, I still think they're such freaks, and I still have to keep my act, But not Neteyam, just clarifying that.

" Aonung. would you stop? " She said again frowning at me, I rolled my eyes, " I don't care," I said in a cold tone as she simply left the cabin.

I don't know if I should follow her, maybe the sibling's freaks also will come with Neteyam too, but I don't know how much control I have on myself when he's around, so I won't risk it.

As I stood there, the frozen papaya became well unfrozen, so I just put it back in the basket and went into my room, the bite mark was still pretty visible but not as much as it was before,

So I sat down on my bed still pretty tired from, well you know-

You know, I don't feel like sleeping anymore, maybe it was from the tea I got from him or just the fact my bed didn't have his smell all over it, which made me calm and to be honest, it was pretty relaxing,

I am still confused, about what relationship we have, and just sitting on my bed looking at the ceiling didn't do me any good, because all I could think of was about Neteyam.

I mean I got from calling him a freak and fighting him several times to this- which I won't say out loud, And I mean, nothing really changed, we always had tension between us but now we just know how to calm that tension down and we still use insults as calling, and also we still fight in some kind of way...

The single and most obvious change is that I do call him by his Name now, not that I didn't know it, I heard it a lot of times to remember it, I just never felt like using it, I don't know how to shape this, maybe because I just respect him more now to use his name or I'm simply tired of using insults as nicknames or maybe just both of them I guess.

But that's all, nothing else changed, in the public eyes, he's just a freak and I'm just his bully or something like that, We're not really a cheesy couple to go around holding hands and kissing each other lips before we have to part from each other, to call each other cutesy little nicknames and hug and cuddle and-

I felt my face hot.

Was I into that kind of stuff that much? I mean yeah I liked it spicy I liked flirting and playing I hooked up back in the days with some chicks but nothing felt like what I am feeling with him, I never really had a serious thing, like just going around and telling people I'm taken, I never been taken I could fuck with who I wanted when I wanted,

But now it's different because now I am jealous, and when I mean jealous I mean very fucking jealous when he's around anyone in a more touchy way and it's not me, I'm going nuts which I don't do and never did.

Also not add the fact that I almost feel better when he's around like he is some kind of emotional support I feel calmer and safe, if that makes sense, I feel loved.

And he didn't even say it, he never really said that he likes me or- anything like that, I just feel it without him saying it, even tho I wish he did.

And in some kind of way, I wish we were cheesy, holding hands and cuddling and just all that, I wish we were more than just a cheap hook-up, but how can I tell him that? I barely even told him I liked him and I almost lost my life while doing so, losing my fuking breath.

I don't fucking know how communication work and I don't know how to bring this subject up that I want him, not just his body, I want everything he has to give and adore every second of it,

But how?


- I LIVE, OK? (mental health sucks and high school too lol) I'll try my best to keep updating the story even tho I don't have the right film in my head to where I want to go with this one, how to end it or how to continue their relationship but I'll try my best!


𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें