Fuck me then🏹

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|🌟|Neteyam POV:

- I woke up today with the most energy I ever never had because today was the best test of the whole competition, today we had the 'best aim test'

I went to the kitchen area and I sat down at the dining table, just me and my other two siblings, as Mom and Dad went with the Metkaiyna chief with some business and they also took Tuk with them.

" Morning bro " Kiri greeted me, " Morning, did you guys cook? " I asked them as there were three plates around and a big bowl with fruits and some kind of raw fish that was good to eat even tho it wasn't cooked, " Yeah we did, Lo'ak said you might need energy for the test today " Kiri added, " Woah, I didn't know my little bro cared so much," I said sarcastically as I messed his hair a bit, " Actually I just want us to win as I said before if Neteyam wins we all win," he said before pushing my hand away from his hair, I chuckled

I sat down and we all started to munch on our food, and surprisingly the raw fish was so fucking good with the apple slices, strange I know but I fucking loved them.

" We should let him go train " Kiri added after some while, " I don't know, I don't think I need training," I said, " well yeah but you haven't used your bow in a while, just saying, " Lo'ak said, " I think he's right, any of us got out of our hand since we came here " Kiri came in, " Alright, Alright I will "I added before we finished our food.

- I took an apple before I left, as the test was the very next day because the targets weren't ready yet to be used, so I went to some kind of side beach close to the east part of the cabins and found myself a wide tree to shot at and scratch it with my knife to make some kind of target shape on it

I had my bow around my chest and some arrows in my little bag around my neck, I took my bow off as I went straight up with the arrow on it and pulled.

I exhaled and inhaled, fixed my eyes and relaxed my muscles, and looked right into the center of the target, and right when I-

" BOO! "My eyes widen before I let go of the arrow went right into the tree's leaves and brushed as I looked behind me, I knew who it was from his voice, " You fucking made me miss " I half hissed at him, as he put his arms to his chest and smirked at me, " What are you doing him? " he said as he looked at the tree and back at me.

" Training? Can't you see " I told him, he raised an eyebrow, " With a bow? " he said, " Well, tomorrow we have the aim test? " I said more confused, " Well yeah but the Pacific competition only does spears aim " I smirked, " Well actually your dad told me a day ago that this year it's going to be with bows," I said as his eyes widened, " What? Are you fr " I nodded.

" Well fuck me then, " I think I was about to corner a smile with no fucking reason, " Why? " I asked him, "Let's just say I am not so good with a bow, aiming with a spear is much easier" he added as I just stared at him and listened, " Hmm, well maybe I can teach you? " I asked him " Teach me? YOU? " he asked kinda surprised.

" I don't see why not, you taught me before, with the Ilu," I said, " Yeah for sure, I doubt you are any good at aiming, anyway," he said in his usually arrogant tone that irritates me so much, 

" You'd be surprised," I said matching his tone to annoy him, he made a suspicious look at me and smirked right after, "Alright..then aiming 'professional', then teach me your ways, freak "

He said with that dumb smirk on his face and leaned back to accent the freak from the final into my face, I corner a smile without wanting to and changed it into a smirk, " Very well, " I threw my bow into his hands and he almost didn't catch it.

- As he took the bow in his hands I thought I could never see someone hold a bow as stupid as Lo'ak did, but I was wrong, I guess, " Wow, you didn't lie, you suck at this "I added as I watch him scoff and roll his eyes, as he let go of the bow from the position he was.

" Hold it like this " I showed him from the side as he copied my move yet failed again and looked even worse, it looked like his hands had never done that before like a newborn who first discovered the fact that they control their hands.

So I got behind him and put both of my hands on his shoulder then on his arms and reshape the position he was holding the bow, and suddenly i noticed how hot his body got i was worried he got sick again or the wound from days ago got actually worse as i noticed how bad he can treat his own wounds, but he looked rather flustered then sick so i thought maybe i could play with him a bit like he did to me yesterday, 

" There you go, and now you should stand here " I slightly whispered to his ear maybe not so close to hear me say the whole thing but enough to make his spine shiver, as I let my hands brush his body until I let them down to his waist hugging him a bit from the back and pulling him farther away from the target he was aiming at, as I did tho I think my hands were on fire from the touch of his body as I smirked to myself a bit, he didn't comment anything or say how weird or how much of a freak I am he was just there heating up and melting into my touch.

Before I let my hands off his waist I made sure to brush my tail around his back to double the shivers from earlier, and to my surprise no comment again whatsoever as I went to his side looking up at him, as his eyes were fixed on the target. 

His face was a burning red velvet color and he couldn't keep his hands straight as the bow was shaking, I looked up at him with a smirk on my face as I got closer to his body and looked up at him with cat eyes the usual classic fan girls do,

" You're not so confident now, are you? " 

I said with a soft voice to his ear as he held his breath and refused to look at me, "I don't know what you mean. " He said as his breath came out heavy and slow, I moved in front of him and I moved the bow down so I could get closer to him, and to my surprise, he had no resistance into that bow like his skin was melting and so easy to move around so I got closer as I used my hand to move his chin down, again no resistance whatsoever,

Yet he still looked anywhere but at me, " You need to look down or you're going to aim in the air " I said as he finally made eye contact with me. 

My hand was still on his chin as I forgot to move it down after pulling his chin down so I got closer to his heating body, and when he did fix his eyes on mine, his rather sharp pupil became soft, a round shape, and his cheeks even red than before, I felt my face heat up to as I could saw myself into his ocean eyes, " Yeah, I got it " he spoke rather soft as I was close enough to hear, I let myself melt into his eyes before I removed my hand and back away from him, clearing my throat, 

" Ok, then go on " I spoke firmly as he took the same position I showed him before, his tail moving like crazy behind I felt myself giggle even tho I thought my tail was doing the same thing behind me. 

 I enjoyed it way too much than I wanted, and even tho I want to say how much disgust I felt when making him so flustered around me, I couldn't lie, that was so fucking enjoyable.


- NEW CHAPTER TODAY, is one of my favorites and I really couldn't wait for this one to come out! I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did!


𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶? neteyamxaonungHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin