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By the way, here's the teaser trailer of Ben Stiller and Sarah Michelle Gellar, I'm only doing the parts with Ben and Sarah, like in the video for this page.


Ben Stiller and Sarah Michelle Gellar introduced the new movie.

"I'm Ben Stiller. Hi." Ben said.

"And I'm Sarah Michelle Gellar. Hello." Sarah said.

"Hey, how's it going? We'll tell you how it's it going. It's going very well because we're about to give you a heads up to look at this new wild, wild new movie called Madagascar." Ben explained.

"Madagascar is an amazing, fantastic computer animated comedy adventure movie from DreamWorks." Sarah said.

"What is it about? It's about seven friends, who all live next door to each other in New York Central Park Zoo. I play the king of New York." Ben said.

Ben Stiller is the voice of Alex the Lion.

"There's one thing I've learned as a lifelong New Yorker, it's never trust your instincts." Alex said.

"And I'm the voice of the Crush, which the king of New York has a crush on her." Sarah said.

Sarah Michelle Gellar is the voice of Mariah the Lioness.

"If I had the same feelings as he does, even if that means I ever doubt that I would ever actually more than just like him." Mariah said.

"And then, there's my best friend, Marty the Zebra, played by Chris Rock." Ben said.

Chris Rock is the voice of Marty the Zebra.

"I don't know. This place is crack-a'lackin!" Marty shouted.

"There's even Katie the Bunny, played by Brenda Song." Sarah said.

Brenda Song is the voice of Katie the Bunny.

"Maybe you should tell him because you'll never know how he feels unless you tell him. I bet you do like him more than a friend." Katie said.

"And then, there's Gloria. Playing this big, fat, gorgeous hippo is the small, thin, gorgeous Jada Pinkett-Smith. You don't mess with Gloria." Ben explained.

Jada Pinkett-Smith is the voice of Gloria the Hippo.

"Don't make me come up there, I'd get to woopin'on both of you all!" Gloria shouted.

"And also, Brandon. This hedgehog is playing by the funny and awesome Johnny Depp. Who's he's in a lot of movies lately." Sarah explained.

Johnny Depp is the voice of Brandon the Hedgehog.

"I got this covered. Hee-yah! Can we do that again?" Brandon asked.

"And last, but not least, there's this guy, the most neurotic animal ever, Melman the Giraffe. He's played by David Schwimmer, who we all know from that TV show that I can't... I don't remember the name of it." Ben explained.

"But I do." Sarah said.

David Schwimmer is the voice of Melman the Giraffe.

"Okay, okay. You know about the blood infection, and I have to get up every two hours." Melman asked.

"Oh, my..." Ben said.

"Okay, here's how it goes. We are all happy living in the zoo. Everything is fine, but the next thing we know... And then, next thing we know... Bam!" Sarah explained.

"Bam! We're boxed up in crates, similar to the ones that we are standing in front of. And we're put up on a ship to somewhere, we got no idea where. And then, we wash up on the shore of Madagascar, which is how that ties into the title." Ben explained.

"Now, where is Madagascar if you are asking. It's a real place, after all." Sarah said.

"Well, you make a right on 57th Street, and then you go East." Ben said.

Ben and Sarah show the globe to the audience.

"On in globe here, you keep going East. It's an island off the coast of Africa, close by." Sarah said.

"It's purple, but not in real life. It's not a pretty picture, but it's an amazing movie. Really, Madagascar is unlike anything you've ever seen. You'll love it, trust us. Trust us." Ben explained.

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