Shutting them up with a kiss

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- You were complaining about him working too much
- He started rambling on, trying to explain to you he wasn't overworking himself
- You knew it was a lie
- You were getting tired of him talking
- You stared down at his lips
- Then you leans forward pressing a long kiss on his lips
- He immediately kisses you back, wrapping his arms around your waist
- He smiles afterwards and apologizes
- "I'm sorry for overworking myself. Can I get another kiss?"

Lee Know
- You just wanted attention
- You were both sitting on the couch and he wasn't paying any attention to you
- He suddenly got up and went into your shared bedroom
- You followed him
- Then you pinned him to the wall and smashed your lips onto his
- He waits for you to pull back before pushing you towards the bed
- Now you have his full attention
- "Someone's eager, huh?"

- You were having a movie night
- You were watching your favorite movie
- He kept asking too many questions
- You just wanted to watch it but he wouldn't be quiet
- You knew one way to make him quiet
- You turned your head to him and pressed your lips to his
- He kissed you back
- When you pull away he whines
- He then started complaining because he wanted another kiss
- "Just give me another kiss! I'll be quiet after. I swear."

- You both wanted to watch a drama together
- However you both wanted to watch two different ones
- He was being dramatic now
- He was also talking too much
- At this point you just wanted to watch a drama
- You went over to kiss and kissed him, cupping his face
- He went quiet after you pulled away
- In the end you both came to an agreement
- "You just kissed me? Okay. I guess we can watch that new one that just came out."

- He wanted attention
- But you were trying to get work done
- He kept bugging you and shaking your shoulders as you tried to work
- Then he started whining
- You were getting frustrated but remained calm
- You closed your laptop and turned to him
- You then leaned his face down close to yours and kissed him
- He was happy
- He kissed you again
- "Can I get attention now? You kissed me which means I get attention now."

- He was playing games on his computer
- You were bored watching him play
- He was talking a lot while playing his game
- You were also trying to talk to him but he wasn't fully listening
- You then went up to him and sat on his lap
- He immediately pause his game, looking at you
- You leaned down and kissed him
- He laughs afterwards and talks to you properly
- "You're cute when you're like this. I'm sorry. Do you wanna play with me?"

- You were at home together
- He had the day off and you were supposed to spend it together
- However he started practicing his vocals
- As much as you loved his vocals you just wanted him to be quiet so you could discuss what to do together
- You walked over to him, cupping his face, making him stop singing
- He stares at you confused before you lean in and kiss him
- He kisses you back, wrapping his arms around you softly
- "Sorry. What do you want to do? We can do whatever you want."

- You were out shopping together
- He was starting to complain because you were taking too long to shop
- You were trying to stay patient but he wouldn't stop
- You turned to him and kissed him
- He immediately went quiet but also started blushing
- You laughed at him before heading to pay for your stuff
- When you left he asked for another kiss
- "Can I have another one? Please?"

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