"Am I That Handsome?" - Kim Seungmin

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You have been with Seungmin for two years now. He was one of the best things that happened to you in your life. Even after being together for so long Seungmin always found ways to make you shy and flustered. He found it cute whenever you were like that. Your face would turn red and sometimes you'd start to stutter. Then you would try to hide your face away from him but he kept you from doing so. He loved seeing you shy and flustered.

Seungmin was at vocal practice so you wouldn't be able to see him till later. You were in your kitchen preparing some food. Seungmin had gotten out early and had gone straight to your place. You hadn't heard him walk through your front door.

He slipped his shoes off and made his way over to you. He spotted you in the kitchen and let out a small smile. He walked over to you and stood beside you. You still had no idea he was there. When you were about to grab something from the other side of the counter that's when you finally saw him. You jumped as he laughed.

"When did you get here?" You asked.

He then took over the food you were preparing and put you to the side. He told you how he was able to leave early and how he wanted to surprise you. You smiled at the thought. He continued to prepare the food and you admired him the whole time. You smiled at the littlest things you noticed on him. His hair color. His smile which you found so pretty. You realized how much you truly loved him. 

He was done with the food so he served you both a plate of the food. You two then went into your living room to eat. He sat on the couch as you sat on the floor next to him. He questioned why you didn't sit on the couch but you quickly changed the subject by talking about your day.

He stared at you the whole time you talked. You didn't notice at all. You turned your head to him and that's when you noticed how he was staring at you. Butterflies formed in your stomach at the way he was staring at you. You stopped talking as you looked at him.

He then pulled you up so you were now sitting on the couch next to him. No space was left between the two of you. He then pulled out his phone and showed you some videos from practice. You both watched them together.

When he was done showing you the videos you decided to clean up your plates. As you were about to get up you got pulled back but not by Seungmin. Your hair had gotten caught on a button on his shirt. You winced in pain and he tried to help you but all he was able to do was put you more in pain. You gulped as you looked at him.

"Can... Can I undo the button?" You asked.

He nodded at you. You then were able to untangle your hair. You sat on the floor as you did so. He then leaned his face down towards yours and kept getting closer and closer to your face. That's when he pecked your lips leaving you caught off guard. Your face then immediately started to turn red. Your heart started to beat really fast too.

You quickly got up from the floor but you had lost consciousness. Seungmin was quick to act and caught you in his arms. His eyes widened and started to panic. He placed you on the couch and just waited by your side until you woke up.

When you woke up you looked around and then spotted Seungmin beside you with a worried look on his face. You immediately felt embarrassed. You had gotten so overwhelmed by his action that you fainted. You used your hands to cover your face but he removed them and held onto them.

"Are you okay? What happened? Have you been overworking yourself?" He asked, clearly worried.

You just shook your head and avoided eye contact with him. He continued to stare at you and slowly realized that you were embarrassed but he didn't know why. He smiled into himself as he put his hand on the top of your head. You had a tint of pink on your cheeks too.

"Are you hot? Should I turn the AC on?" He asked.

"No! I'll be fine." You said.

He knew exactly why you were blushing but he pretended to not know why. He was loving the fact that he could make you blush so easily. He looked at you again and then slowly realized what had happened. He then leaned his face close to yours.

"Am I that handsome?" He says.

Your eyes widen and you look at him. He was smiling at you. That's when you knew that he knew. You were very embarrassed now. He ruffled your hair with a smile still on his face. He found you very cute at this moment.

"Cute." He mumbled to himself.

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