Sibling argument (them as your older brother)

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- You and Chan were out in America together for a little vacation
- You had went out to get food for the both of you
- You had gotten the both of you burgers
- When you returned back with the burgers you both started eating immediately
- "Y/n. There's pineapple on my burger"
- "Okay, so?"
- "I told you no pineapple!"
- This started an argument because he told you before you left to make sure there wasn't any pineapple on his burger

Lee Know:
- You had snuck out last night and he knew about it
- The next morning he threatened to tell your parents unless you did him a favor
- You didn't want to do him a favor but you also didn't want him telling on you
- This started a huge argument
- "Why should I do you a favor?! That's not fair!"
- "I will tell mom and dad. Wanna see?"
- He yells for your parents and then you hit him with a pillow

- You were workout buddies but today you didn't feel like going to the gym
- Changbin was trying to drag you out of bed but you were being stubborn
- This resulted in him yelling at you
- You then started to throw your pillows at him
- Then you both started yelling at each other
- "I don't want to go! Have one of your friends go with you!"
- "Get up! We're going to the gym together! Stop being a lazy bum!!"

- You had accidentally touched one of his paintings that hadn't dried yet
- You kept telling him it wasn't a big deal and that he could fix it
- But he made it such a big deal
- "I can fix it?! Y/n, I can't! This is why I don't want you touching my stuff"
- "You touch my stuff all the time! Stop being overdramatic!"
- Good luck trying to get him to calm down

- He ate your food and he clearly knew it was yours too
- You were so angry
- Started yelling at him as he continued to eat your food in front of you
- "It clearly has my name on it- WHY ARE YOU STILL EATING?!"
- "I was hungry. I didn't realize it was yours..."
- You ended up taking the food away from him and started chasing him around the house

- You were playing video games together
- He had beaten you and you got a bit mad
- You started saying he cheated but he didn't
- "You cheater! That's not fair!! I want a rematch"
- "Cheater?! I didn't even cheat! You're just being a sore loser"
- You ended up playing another game but you still lost again

- He was at vocal practice and you decided to tag along with him
- But you kept bothering him the whole time
- "Y/n shut up! I can't practice when your being annoying"
- "I'm bored!"
- "Then why did you come with?!"
- You just kept bothering him and he was not having it
- You both started arguing and Chan was the one who had to separate the both of you 

- You were both trying to see who was better at baseball
- I.N unfortunately couldn't do it
- So you started to tease him
- He yelled at you to stop but you didn't
- He hit you in the head with a ball
- You started chasing him with a baseball bat

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