Skz babysitting your child - Maknae line

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A/N: this is a collab I did on Instagram with @pixskeez so if you want the hyung line go check out her account!

Han (best friend)
- You and your husband were celebrating your anniversary
- You asked Han to babysit your child
- He gladly agreed to do so
- Your child LOVES when Han comes over
- Always has so much fun with him
- They play games and goof around a lot
- When the time comes for Han to leave your child doesn't want him to leave
- Han will probably end up staying the night playing with your child
- "Come on, Y/n! Let me just stay the night. I promise we won't do anything crazy. We just want to hang out more."

Felix (coworker/best friend)
- You were going out of town for the day due to work
- You were a single parent so Felix has always been by your side to help you
- Didn't have to ask him twice to babysit
- Would do it for you in a heartbeat
- Bakes a lot for your child
- Takes them to parks and shops
- Will take them wherever they wanna go
- They have a blast with each other
- If you aren't able to make it home Felix will stay over and make dinner
- "Your mom won't be home till tomorrow. So I'll be here for a little while longer, okay? We'll have even more fun!"

Seungmin (brother-in-law)
- You and your sister were having a girls day out
- You're a single parent
- Ends up watching after your child after your sister forces him to
- Plays games, reads books, goes on a walk
- Will take them out for ice cream
- If asked, he'll sing for them
- If your child starts crying he'll get scared at first but immediately calms down them with his angelic voice
- "Don't tell your mom I took you for ice cream. If you keep it a secret I'll buy you more next time."

I.N (brother)
- Might take a while to convince him
- He'll do it since he likes to bond with your child
- He's a fun uncle
- Your child absolutely adores when he comes over
- They color, sing, watch movies
- Takes pictures to prove everything is fine
- Might tell you to stay out longer
- When it's time for him to go home your child will throw a fight and cry
- He'll end up staying even later
- "Isn't this fun? It's okay, you can admit I'm more fun than your mom and you like me better."

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