Kiss My Bruises - Kim Seungmin

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It was late at night. You were sitting on your couch peacefully reading. You were having a hard time focusing on reading since you hadn't heard from your boyfriend Seungmin all day. So you were a bit worried. All of a sudden you heard a knock on your door. It was late at night so you were questioning who would be at your house this late at night. Seungmin did not once pop into your head.

You marked your book on the page you left off on and closed it. You put it down on the couch and stood up. You went to your front door and opened it. Your eyes widen finding your boyfriend at your door at this hour.

"Seungmin?" You say surprised.

Then that's when you noticed he was all beat up. Bruises and cuts on his face. As you stared at him he had a faint smile on his face. You didn't understand why he was smiling. This was a serious situation.

"Hey angel." He said.

"Oh my god, what happen?!"

Without letting him say anything else you grabbed his hand and led him inside. You shut the door behind you and lead him to the couch. You made him sit down and you walked away. He watched as you walked away. Moments later you then returned back with your first aid kit in your hands.

You sat down next to him on the couch and opened up the first aid kit. There were so many thoughts inside your head as you started to treat his cuts and bruises. You didn't say anything to him. He stared at you the whole time.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked. He searched your eyes for any kind of reaction but found nothing. Your face was blank.

"Angel talk to me." He said as he leaned closer to you. "Please."

"How many times have I told you to stop getting into fights?" You scolded him. "What if something worse than this happens?"

"Angel I'm sorry-" He started to talk but stopped once he saw tears forming in your eyes. He knew he messed up.

"Hey.. no, no don't cry. I'm fine. I promise." He said as he held your hands. Which stopped you from treating his cuts and bruises. "I promise I won't do it anymore. Please just don't cry."

"How can I believe you? You promised last time and look where we are." You said angry.

"They were talking bad about you. Do you think I would seriously just let them do that?" He said. You sighed.

"You could have just talked to them. Not punched them!"

"I couldn't help it. Punching them was my first move."

"It doesn't even hurt." He adds.

You tilt your head at him with a questioning face. You were sure he was in pain. You continued back with treating his cuts when he hissed. You stopped and stared at him. He laughed awkwardly.

"You were saying?" You said with an eyebrow raised up.

You then bandaged his hands after treating the cuts and bruises on them. He smiled when you were done and cupped your face. You could feel his hot breath hitting your face.

"What are you doing?" You laughed. "I need to finish treating you."

"I know a way you can make me feel better."

"What?" You said titling your head again.

"Kissing me."

You scoffed at him and then pulled his hands away from your face. You hit his shoulder as you were a bit flustered.

"Ow! I'm hurt, remember?!"

"I'm sorry. Just let me finish! Be quiet!" You shouted.

"Do you actually think that hurt me? I'm fine. You were so scared that you hit me too hard." He laughed.

You hit him again as you glared at him. You then got up from the couch and walked away from him. He got up and followed behind you.

"You can treat your own wounds then." You said.

Then suddenly his arms pulled you around and he had you pinned to the wall, your back against it. Your faces were inches apart as you were blushing like crazy.

"What's wrong? Hm?" He asked, staring at you softly.

You then put your hand up to his lips. Your finger then traced over a cut he had on the corner of his lip. You frowned as you looked up at him.

"It must hurt." You said and he shook his head.

"When I'm with you all the pain goes away. When I'm with you everything feels okay." He says as you get shy.

"I need to treat your wounds since you won't do it yourself."

"My wounds can wait." He says as he lits your chin so you're looking right at him.

"No. I will treat them now, mister." You strictly said.

He sighed loudly and nodded his head. You both then went back over to the couch and sat down. You finished up treating his wounds and applied ointment. You were then starting to put some on the cut on the corner of his lip when he hissed in pain. You immediately stopped.

"I'm sorry... just let me finish. I'm almost done."

When you were done applying the ointment onto the corner of his lip you then plastered it and softy placed it onto the cut. When you were done you closed up your first aid kit and stared at him. He was staring at you with stars in his eyes.


"You're just cute." He said as he ruffled your hair.

"Now promise me you won't do this ever again? Or else I'll beat you up." You said and he chuckled.

"I'd like to see you try." He says as he leans closer to your face. He then places his lips onto yours and kisses you softly.

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