Confessing on your wedding day - Lee Minho

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You have been best friends with Minho since high school. You are both now adults and you were getting married. You knew everything about Minho but there was only one thing you didn't know. Minho has liked you since high school but he chose not to confess to you. He didn't want to ruin your friendship and lose you.

When you both had graduated he was going to confess but he backed away from doing it. When you had told him you were getting married he acted happy in front of you but when he went home that day he was upset and angry. There was only one thing he didn't know. No one knew. You had lost feelings for your fiancé a long time ago but you were going along with the wedding. You tried telling your fiance but he refused to let you go. You didn't tell Minho since you were afraid to.

Minho was now standing in front of you while looking at you in your wedding dress. He had a smile on his face as he admired how beautiful you looked. He just wished he was the one you were marrying. A tear had slipped out of your eye and he noticed right away. His eyes widened as he grew worried.

"Y/n?" He says as he looks at you panicked. "Why are you crying? Is everything okay? What happened?"

"I'm sorry." You whispered but it was still audible. You then wiped away the tear that fell on your face.

"Look at me Y/n. What's going on?" He asks.

Only if you could tell him...

"Wedding jitters." You lie as you smile at him.

He stares at you not sure if you are actually being truthful or not. You were moments away fro, getting married and he didn't want you feeling sad. His heart was hurting the whole time. He was about to say something to you when your dad interrupted telling you that the wedding was about to begin. Minho knew he was too late. He was about to confess but he knew if he did it would only make you more upset. Minho walks off and you are left with your dad.

As you walked down the aisle with your dad the only person you were looking at was Minho. Minho was confused why you were staring at him and not your fiance. Your dad handed you off to your fiance and went to his spot. The ceremony began.

You were anxious the whole time. You wanted to run away but you knew you wouldn't get very far. Your fiance would catch you and bring you back. As your fiance was saying his vows suddenly Minho stood up from his seat and went to the front towards you.

"Minho, what are you doing?" You ask.

"I know this isn't the best time, but I thought you deserved to know... I... I love you. I have for... longer than I can remember." Minho says which makes everyone let out a gasp.

Your eyes widen in shock. Your hands slip away from your fiance and you turn your body towards Minho. You couldn't believe that your best friend since high school just confessed to you on your wedding day. This was also the guy you now had strong feelings for. You could feel your fiance's anger from behind you.

You drop your bouquet of flowers and walk over to Minho. His eyes were shaking and he looked nervous. You smile at him as you grab his hand.

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear that." You say.

Everyone, including Minho, were shocked by your words. Your parents weren't even angry; they were smiling at the both of you. Minho stares at you speechless. That's when he realized why you were crying earlier. You didn't want to marry your fiance.

"Let's run away. Together. I don't care where we go as long as I'm with you, that's all I care about." You say.

He then cups your face as his face gets closer to yours.

"If I kiss you, will you hit me? Because I want to kiss you, but not if you will hit me." You say and he laughs. He then connects his lips to yours. Everyone cheers for the both of you besides your now ex fiance.

"Let's get out of here my bride." Minho says. He then picks you up bridal style and then proceeds to walk down the aisle, leaving the ceremony.

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