Overprotective Brothers (them as your older brothers)

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"Where do you think you're going?"

You were stopped by the front door by your brother Minho. You were all dressed up since you were going on a date. You had hoped you wouldn't get stopped by your brothers but that went down hill. You turned around to not only see just Minho but all of your brothers. You were the youngest and the only girl in your family. Your brothers have been protective over you since the moment you were born.

"None of your business." You reply.

"But it is our business. We're your older brothers." Minho says.

"I'm going on a date. Happy?" You say.

"A DATE!?"



You sigh to yourself. This was the exact reason why you didn't want your brothers knowing you were going on a date. You also didn't want to mention that the guy you were going on a date with was one of their friends. Yeonjun.

You quickly opened the front door and ran out. They all yell after you as they follow you outside. Lucky for you Yeonjun was picking you up and he was already there. You got into his car and immediately told him to drive away and he did. Luckily he didn't see your brothers running after his car.

Yeonjun had taken you to a restaurant. You were both having a great time talking and enjoying the food. You did notice how Yeonjun would keep looking over your shoulder but you chose to ignore it until he said something.



"By any chance.. do your brothers know where you are?"

"No? I mean they know I'm on a date just not with you. They don't know where I actually am. Why?"

"I'm not sure I'm seeing things but I'm pretty sure I see all eight of them sitting at a table watching us."

You stare at Yeonjun for a few moments until you slowly turn your head. You scan around the restaurant to find them. You see a group of guys sitting at a table not that far from you. They are all looking at menus which are hiding their faces. You knew that they were your brothers. You look back over at Yeonjun and smile at him as you excuse yourself to walk away.

You get up from your seat and make your way over to that table. They continue to hold up the menus so their faces aren't visible to you. You stand in front of the table and clear your throat. You then yank the menu from the closest person to you. You had taken Han's menu. You glare at him and then the rest of them lower their menus down.

"Are you kidding me?!" You say. "What is your guy's problem? I'm not a child anymore!"

"We just wanted to make sure you were safe." Hyunjin says.

"And you are our baby sister." Felix says.

"I can't believe you're on a date with Yeonjun. My friend!" Changbin says.

"Hey, he's our friend too!" Jeongin says.

"Leave before I smack you all in the face." You say.

No matter how hard you tried to get them to leave you knew you weren't going to be able to make them leave. They were your older brothers after all. You marched away from them and went back over to Yeonjun who had been watching the whole thing. You apologized to him but he didn't seem mad at all. Unfortunately you had to end your date early due to your brothers and he completely understood.

"Let's have our next date at my house." Yeonjun says.

The both of you walked out the restaurant together and you already knew your brothers were right behind the both of you. You say goodbye to Yeonjun and watch as he gets into his car and drives away. He had offered to take you home but you told him you would be going home with your brothers.

You turn your head to see your brothers behind you and they smile at you. You smile back even though it wasn't a real smile. You were so mad that if you weren't in public you would have absolutely killed your brothers right here and now. You start to walk off and they walk right behind you. You started to notice how people would get out of your way and wouldn't even look at you. You knew it was because of your brothers.

"You guys can be really annoying." You say.

"We're sorry Y/n. Please don't be mad." Chan says.

"We need to look after you. Who knows what kind of trouble you'll get yourself in." Seungmin says.

"I was on a date! I was perfectly fine." You say.

"Yeah but how were we supposed to know you were on a date with Yeonjun?" Han says.

"Why our best friend out of all people?" Changbin asks.

"She can go on a date with whoever she wants. As long as they treat her right." Felix says.

"Thanks Felix. Look, I've liked Yeonjun for the longest time so can you please not mess this up for me?" You say.

"But we already ruined your date." Jeongin says.

"Who says we aren't having another one?" You say as you then take off running.

"Wait what?!"


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