Galaxy - Kim Seungmin

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In the inky depths of space, a lonely speck drifted. Seungmin, a being of pure dream energy, yearned for connection. Eons he'd spent traversing the cosmos, a shooting star in the vast emptiness. Until one night, he stumbled upon a curious sight - a sleeper, adrift on a comet hurtling through the void. It was you.

Seungmin, drawn by an inexplicable pull, wove himself into your dreams. There, he crafted a world, a paradise built on stardust and starlight. You were his queen and together you explored fantastical landscapes: volcanoes that erupted with diamonds, desert that shimmered with neon sand.

In your dreams, Seungmin wasn't lonely. You were his, completely and utterly. Yet, with the cruel dawn, you'd awaken, the memory of her fading like morning mist. Seungmin, however, remained. Every night, he'd return, a bittersweet comfort in the solitude.

One night, he confessed his secret. "I am a dreamweaver." He revealed. "A figment of your subconscious."

You were shocked, yet a strange sense of longing resonated within you.

"But why can't I remember you when I wake?" You asked, a tremor in your voice.

Seungmin's ethereal form shimmered.

"Because the waking world cannot sustain me." He said sadly. "But in your dreams, I am real."

You understood then the depth of his love, a love born in the recesses of your mind. Seungmin, a reflection of your deepest desires, mirrored your own yearning for connection.

The nights that followed were bittersweet. You dreamt of a life with him, a life impossible in reality. The pain of waking was a constant ache.

One morning, you awoke with a newfound resolve. You wouldn't forget. You would find a way to bridge the gap between dreams and reality. You poured over ancient texts, delving into forgotten arts, searching for a way to solidify his form.

Years passed, filled with tireless research and a flicker of hope. Then, one starlit night, you achieved a breakthrough. As you slept, a gentle warmth filled the dream realm. Seungmin was there, hesitant at first, then a tear of joy rolled down his cheek.

"You remembered." He whispered, his voice trembling.

You reached for him, the touch solid, real. You had brought him back, not just in your dreams, but into the waking world. Seungmin, the dreamweaver, was finally free to love and be loved, bathed in the warm glow of the morning sun.

But there was only one thing left you wanted to do. You wanted him there with you in your world. To be by your side, not just in your dreams. And you found him. It was weird at first. He was hidden away in an abandoned part of town. It was empty and just filled with depression. It was dark. But yet when he was in your dreams it was filled with happiness and didn't look like this. Maybe it was because he didn't want you to see his reality.

Approaching a house, before you can enter inside someone speaks, making you freeze. The voice came from behind you. You recognized that voice. It was Seungmin. He was real and he was here.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" He calls out, madness in his voice.

You slowly turn around. His face that was once filled with anger was now replaced with shock and happiness. He couldn't believe his eyes. You were here somehow.

"Y/n? How... How is this possible?" He approaches you.

Before you can say anything he embraces you. Holding you softly and protectively. You held him back, closing your eyes as tears slipped out your eyes.

You would no longer have to sleep at night to see him. Now he was right in front of you and you were in his embrace. A joyful smile appeared on his lips.

"You found me."

"I somehow did. And now I can really remember you." You pull away and put a hand up to his cheek, caressing it.

It almost felt like a dream. Although you knew it wasn't. But maybe it was. You wanted proof this was actually real. That now you two would be together forever in this reality.

He leans in close, cupping your face as his lips softly land on yours. It was a tender kiss but filled with sweetness. Passion was the main ingredient in it. It was real. His lips now on yours. It sealed it all together.

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