Saving You - Han Jisung (him as your older brother)

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TW// mentions of suicide, blood, and death

"How is Kamden doing?" Han asks, looking at you hoping to get a good answer.

Kamden has been your boyfriend of three years. You and Kamden met at work. After starting to get to know each other more and hanging out a lot, you both started dating. And you loved each other very much. However a couple months ago Kamden was diagnosed with cancer.

It was a big shock at first. It took you a while to really accept it. Han, being your brother, tried his best to comfort you a lot. You lived together and he saw the change in you after that. Through the beginning you stayed by his side and prayed he'd get better. Because you knew how strong he was.

Unfortunately his condition got worse. He now stays in the hospital, getting treatment. You visited him everyday since he didn't have anyone else. He only had you. He didn't know Han that well. They talked occasionally but they weren't very close. But Han decided to change that and tried his best to get closer to Kamden.

There was a lump in your throat. You cleared your throat before answering, "His... Condition is getting worse day by day."

Han frowns getting closer to you. He puts a hand on your shoulder in a way of comfort.

"He's gonna be okay. We just have to believe it, sis." Han smiles, trying to get you to smile. "Isn't it time for you to visit him?"

You grab your phone to look at the time. You let out a small laugh. Han always knew the time for you to go visit Kamden. You grab everything you need and head to the hospital to visit Kamden.

When you arrive there he makes room for you in the hospital bed so you can lay down next to him. Which you do. You stare at him, seeing how bad he truly looks. But not in a mean way. You hold both his hands, staring into his eyes.

"Do you want my hair?" You ask. He shakes his head.

"No, it's okay."

"Why not? I have a lot of hair."

"There's something I didn't tell you. Your hair is kind of crunchy."

You laugh. He smiles at you laughing. He was only trying to make the mood better. Because the mood felt very depressing.

"But it's okay. You have a pretty face." He uses one hand to cup your face.

"You're pretty too." You peck his lips.

That day you swore everything was going to be okay. That Kamden was going to survive and spend the rest of his life with you, happily. Unfortunately that isn't what happened.

Not even a week after that visit you had gotten a call from the hospital. You could tell by the nurse's voice that it wasn't good news. And you were right. That call changed you. She had called to inform you that Kamden died.

You were at home when you received that call. You were standing in the middle of the living room. Your phone fell out of your hand and you immediately started sobbing loudly. You collapsed onto the floor shaking and hyperventilating. Han heard you and rushed over to you. He tried asking what was wrong but you couldn't even form words. But he figured out eventually what happened.

You and Han went to the hospital together that day to see Kamden one last time. And yet you broke down into tears again.

This brings you to today. Your current state. Han worried about you every single day and minute. You were his little sister after all and were going through a tough time.

You tried to make it seem like you were okay but he knew deep down inside you weren't. You were always tougher than him. Which he understood. You'd smile with him once in a while. He thought you were doing better than before. But he was incredibly wrong.

Han was working extra late today. He called you to inform you about that. You understood. He told you to have dinner without him and you did.

Han walked through the front door, making sure to close and lock it behind him. All the lights inside the house were shut off. It was also very quiet. Too quiet. He knew it was late but typically you would stay up to greet him when he gets back from work. Today you didn't though, which he found weird. It wasn't like you.

He walks through the house trying to find signs of you but he finds nothing. He turned the lights on so he could actually see. He makes his way to your bedroom and sees your bedroom door is cracked open and the light in your room is on.

He opens the door slowly and that's when he feels his heart drop. You were lying unconscious on the floor. Blood was on your arm and down on the floor next to you.

"Y/n? Y/n!" Han screams, running over to you.

Han immediately called for an ambulance. They came quickly and rushed you to the hospital. Han stayed by your side, crying the whole time. He thought he was going to lose you. He hated that he thought you were actually getting better. He should've known. He blamed himself. He just couldn't believe you tried committing suicide. 

You had lost a lot of blood. Fortunately they were able to save you. Your attempt didn't work. If Han hadn't found you in time there would've been a chance you wouldn't have made it. It was all thanks to Han. He saved you. And he was glad he did.

Han slowly walks into your hospital room. This would be the first time he'd see you since he thought you died. You were laying on the bed with tubes hooked up to you. And your arm which you cut yourself on was now all bandaged up. Your eyes were closed. As Han stared at you he could see blood on the bandage on your arm. He couldn't contain his tears.

"I'm sorry." He sobs. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

He truly felt like this was his fault. He should've known based on how you were acting that you would've done something like this. He sits down in the chair beside your bed. He covers you with the blanket properly and wipes away his tears.

You woke up a little while after. You felt numb. You couldn't even look him in the eye. You felt embarrassed.

"Why... Why did you try to kill yourself? Why didn't you talk to me? I could've helped you. I almost lost you today." He sobs more.

You finally look at him. His sobs broke your heart. You never meant to make him feel like this. You never wanted to be in this situation. But then again you thought your attorney was going to work. But at the same time when you were doing it you weren't thinking straight.

"I'm sorry. I... I know that was stupid of me." You hold back your tears.

"I'm just thankful you are okay. That you aren't gone. Please. Please talk to me next time. I don't wanna lose you, sis."

"Thank you for saving me, Han. You're the best brother.."

From there on Han looked after you more. He never let you out of his sight again. Not after that. He even got you more help. You started seeing a psychiatrist. Which helped you out a lot.

You would still have those moments where you felt depressed but you'd talk it out with Han or he'd just be there to comfort you. Because in the end you know he has and always will be the one person who will always care for you.

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