Taking you on vacation for your birthday

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- He surprised you by taking you to New York
- You've always wanted to go there
- Both if you visited many attractions there
- He planned many surprises for you
- Took lots of pictures
- The both of you were having so much fun that by the time it was time to leave, you both didn't want to go
- He promised he'd definitely take you back
- "Are you having a good birthday? Yes? I'm glad. I want to keep making your birthday special for you."

Lee Know
- Took you to Jeju Island
- He planned this out two months ago
- You knew something was up because he was acting weird
- He loves spoiling you
- In the end he just wants you to be happy and feel loved
- You thought nothing else could make this day better until he told you that you were staying in Jeju for however long you wanted
- Buys you lots of gifts
- Treats you to very good food places
- If he can he'll make them sing happy birthday to you
- "Isn't this fun? They even sang to you. I'm the best boyfriend ever. Why did you get shy though?"

- You were left speechless when you arrived in Hawaii
- Thanked him so many times
- Treats you like a Princess the whole vacation
- You went snorkeling, visited attractions, visited the beaches, and lots more
- At the beaches you'd have competitions to see who could build the best sandcastle
- You'll both end up getting sunburned for not wearing sunscreen
- The rest of the vacation you try to have fun but also take care of each other's bad sunburn
- "I should've packed more sunscreen. I'm sorry. You're having fun at least. Right?"

- Paris
- You already knew this was gonna be a fun birthday vacation
- And you knew he was going to be taking lots of pictures
- He not only wanted your birthday to be perfect but also the whole vacation
- He tried his best to make everything romantic
- This vacation was a surprise but he had even more surprises planned out for you
- You can tell just how much he really loves you
- "Princess, you look beautiful. Let me take a picture."
- "Hyun! You've taken so many already. One more! That's it!"

- You've been talking about going to Japan for a long time
- So he surprised you by taking you there for your birthday
- You were like a little kid
- He was excited too
- Half of the time you both would be goofing around but you were truly having fun
- You were having a blast just having him by your side
- He buys you gifts
- They start off small and by the end of the day they get bigger
- During the night of your birthday he'll give you the same amount of kisses as the age you're turning
- "I had fun today too. Can I give you one more kiss? It's an extra one for your birthday."

- Surprise! He took you to Italy!!
- There isn't a time where you aren't having fun
- One of the things you loved was buying a lucchetti d' amore to lock your love and threw the key away
- The whole vacation seemed so romantic
- He had everything planned out
- Each day you'd do different things and try new foods
- He was so happy you were loving this vacation
- The both of you didn't want it to end
- He made sure to tell everyone you walked past that it was your birthday
- "It's my girlfriend's birthday! I took her here to celebrate it."
- "What a great boyfriend you are! She's extremely lucky!"
- "No. I'm lucky to have her."

- You know he spoils you whenever he can but you'd never thought he'd do something this big for you
- He took you to Las Vegas
- You knew this was so expensive but he didn't seem to care
- He bought you loads of gifts and you kept telling him to stop spending his money
- He didn't stop of course
- But you spent the whole vacation having so much fun
- You did lots of activities
- Everyday he told you happy birthday even though your birthday passed
- During the last day he started acting weird
- He had one last gift for you and it was a ring and it brought you to tears
- "I hope your birthday was perfect. But I have one last gift for you. Marry me."

- Disney!!!
- You were both so so excited
- You went on a lot of rides
- Tried lots of food
- Bought loads of stuff
- He bought you a lot of gifts as well
- You took pictures with the Disney characters too
- He made you take pictures with the Disney Princesses because he wanted a picture of you (a Princess) with the other Princesses
- Everyday was loads of fun
- You still couldn't believe he did something like this for you for your birthday:(
- "Did you have fun? I'm glad. I had even more fun with you. We should do this again. And we'll do even more next time!"

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