Feeling bad after a huge argument - Kim Seungmin

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Rain lashed against the window panes, mirroring the storm that had raged just moments ago between Seungmin and you. The air crackled with unspoken words and hurt feelings. Seungmin sat hunched on the couch, the weight of his actions a heavy stone in his gut. The argument, fueled by his jealousy and possessiveness, had been brutal. He knew the argument was fully his fault. He'd lashed out, his voice laced with accusations that had hit you like physical blows.

Now, silence stretched through the whole house. Between you both, a vast, uncomfortable, emptiness.

You had locked yourself in your shared bedroom. Pouring your heart out with tears as Seungmin's words kept echoing in your head. He got up from the couch, having enough of the silence and made his way to the bedroom. He stopped in his tracks hearing your sobs which made his heart shatter. The vibrant energy that usually filled you was now replaced with sadness. Shame gnawed at him. How could he have been so stupid? You, his lover, his laughter, hurt by his own insecurities.

You flinched at the sound of knocking at the bedroom door. He lowered his hand back down to his side, unsure of how to bridge the chasm he'd created.

"Y/n." He began, his voice hoarse. "I..."

Words failed him. How could he apologize for such a colossal mess?

Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to continue, "I messed up. Big time. I know that."

You didn't respond, but he knew you were crying again. He just knew. And he hated knowing he was the reason behind your tears and your pain.

"I know." He continued, his voice low. "There's no excuse for how I acted. I was jealous, insecure, and I took it all out on you. You didn't deserve any of that."

Silence regained again, but this time, it felt different. Not hostile, but had some possibility of forgiveness. He takes a step back hearing the door unlock. You opened the door with your red and puffy eyes. You didn't look at him, but you were tired of talking behind the door.

"Can you... Can you ever forgive me?" He pleaded. He sounded on the verge of tears. "I know I don't deserve it, but..."

You looked him into the eyes, your eyes red-rimmed but holding a flicker of hope.

"You hurt me, Seungmin." You said, your voice shaky. "But..." You trailed off, then continued with newfounded determination, "I know you can be better than that. The question is, are you willing to put in the work?"

Relief washed over him, a wave cresting against the shore of his despair.

"Absolutely." He said, his voice thick with emotion. "I'll do whatever it takes. I can't lose you, Y/n. You're the best thing in my life, and I was an idiot to ever forget that."

He reached out, his arms hovering over yours. You didn't flinch away. He laid his hands down on your shoulders for a moment before pulling you into his embrace. The storm outside had subsided, replaced by a quiet calm. The path to rebuilding trust wouldn't be easy, but with a newfound understanding and a shared desire to deal, Seungmin knew you could weather any storm, together.

He brought you into the living room. He sat down on the couch while you were curled up in the armchair, your back to him. He glanced at you trying to read your expression, but it was difficult. Taking a deep breath,

Seungmin rose and walked towards the kitchen. He grabbed two mugs- your favorite mismatched pair- and poured you both a warm drink. He set your drink on the coffee table beside your chair, careful to not make a sound.

Hesitatingly, he sat on the other end of the couch, leaving a wide gap between the both of you. The air crackled with tension. You finally looked over at him.

"Seungmin." You began, your voice quiet but firm. "I need to hear you say it. You know you were wrong, right?"

His throat constricted, "Yeah." He choked out. "I was completely out of line. I should have listened to you instead of yelling at you."

Your expression softened. You got up and closed the huge gap between the both of you. You held his hands in yours. He stared at you, guilt still in his eyes.

"In every relationship there's gonna be arguments, fights, smiles, tears, and ups and downs. Things said out of anger, attitudes, and jealousy. But at the end of the day if you truly love that person, you will stick around through the good and bad." You squeezed his hands gently.

"Does that mean you'll stick around with me?" He asks. You let out a soft laugh.

"Yes. I always will. Because I love you. Nothing will change that." You lean forward and press a soft kiss on his lips.

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