Getting scared by a bug

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- Hears your scream and panics
- Runs to you
- Asks what's wrong and you point to the spider that's on your desk
- You hand him one of your books and he smacks the spider with it
- Laughs at the end
- "My baby is scared of a spider~ Don't worry I got this."

Lee Know
- You yelp seeing a roach on the floor
- You jump on your bed
- He hears everything
- Sees you standing on the bed
- Instantly steps on the roach and cleans it up
- Will definitely tease you about this later
- Finds it hilarious
- "I promise it won't kill you. Try killing it yourself next time. If you can't then scream for me."

- The both of you are holding each other trying to kill it
- Lots of screaming
- You run out of the room leaving him in there
- Runs out of the room seeing the spider is no longer in sight
- The both of you are sleeping at a hotel tonight
- "Where did it go?! It's gone! Baby, let's go! We're going to a hotel!"

- His soul left his body seeing a bug on your arm
- Smacks your arm
- You hit him back not knowing there was a bug on you
- Now it's on him
- The both of you scream
- You end up smacking his arm so hard that the bug ends up dying

- You both run out of the room
- You went to go grab bug killer
- When you came back he shoves you into the room
- You scream and try to get out
- Cheers you on to kill the bug
- You end up killing it
- Now you want to kill him
- "You did it, baby! Wait, no! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

- You were both watching a movie when you suddenly scream
- He gets scared
- Wonders why you screamed until you point at a roach crawling on the floor
- Uses a slipper to kill it
- Cleans it up
- Comforts you since you were crying
- Laughs a little
- "It's okay, sunshine. It's gone."

- Watches you trying to kill the bug yourself
- Shakes his head every time you scream when it gets closer to you
- Grabs a tissue and immediately kills it
- Throws it away and washes his hands
- Acts like nothing happened but calms you down
- "Why are you so shaken up? There was no bug. Did you watch a horror movie?"

- There was a bug on his sleeve
- You try smacking ur away but it doesn't work
- It's now on his leg
- You both scream
- Chan comes running into the room
- Chan ends up saving the day
- You both thank him as he's trying to hold back his laughter
- "Thank you, Chan hyung..."

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