That feeling when

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- That feeling when he gives you the warmest and softest hug after a long day
- When your talking and he smiles at you the whole time, loving hearing you talk about the things you are passionate about
- When sends you pictures of himself/whatever he's doing, then tells you he was thinking about you (like always)

Lee Know
- That feeling when he takes you with him so you can watch him practice dancing
- When he cooks food for you and feeds you
- When he pushes you up against a wall after one too many teasing comments, but are met with unsaid tension instead of the quiet and are unable to continue with the jokes

- That feeling when he randomly tells you "I love you" even when he's already said it
- When the both of you are laughing together and his laugh makes you laugh even more to the point where tears are in your eyes
- When he pulls you closer to him when there's a cold breeze when you are outside together

- That feeling when fixes your hair for you when you are feeling lazy and don't want to do it yourself
- When he paints/draws you something that you really like and gifts it to you
- When he secretly takes pictures of you whenever he can and smiles whenever you catch him

- That feeling when you catch him randomly smiling at you for no reason and he says it's because he just loves you so much
- When he kisses your lips immediately after you put chapstick on because he loves the different flavors you get
- When he wakes up first thing in the morning and just wants to stay in bed with you all day, cuddling and kissing your face

- That feeling when he bakes you your favorite sweet treat and watches as you take your first bite
- When you get flustered in the morning hearing his morning voice and he laughs at you, holding you close
- When he gently wipes something off your face and you notice him smiling because he just finds you so cute

- That feeling when he notices when your shoe laces are untied and purposefully makes you trip so he can catch you, every time
- When he sings you to sleep, because his voice is just so soothing and angelic
- When he puts your head on his shoulder, letting you fall asleep there and smiles as you sleep peacefully

- That feeling when he cuddles with you and his nose nuzzles on your nose and a slight giggle escapes from both of your lips
- When he smiles from ear to ear watching you be
- When you complain about something he rubs the spot where you ache, you smile as you lean into his touch and warmth

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