When they ditch your date to hang out with their girl best friend (1)

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- You and Chan had planned this date for a while now since he was finally free
- You were at the restaurant and were sat down at table waiting for Chan to arrive
- Minutes kept going by and Chan still wasn't there so you decided to go on your phone
- When you opens up Instagram you saw Chan girl best friend had posted a picture of her and Chan together
- It looked like they were having a blast together
- That's when you decided to call Chan and surprisingly he answered
- "In the future you should let me know if you are going to hang out with someone and ditch our date. Have a great night with her"

Lee Know:
- You were waiting at the park for him when all of a sudden you were getting a call from him
- "Y/n, listen, Lia and her boyfriend just broke up-"
- "Again? Seriously?! Forget it. I'm tired of this. I won't be returning home"
- You hung up and you immediately started to cry
- This wasn't the first time he had done this to you
- You were starting to feel unwanted

- You walked up to your boyfriend excited for your date with him
- "Are you ready for our date tonight?"
- "Y/n, didn't I tell you I can't? Yuna just called and-"
- You didn't even let him finish you were already in tears and were frustrated
- You walked away from him not even caring anymore
- You knew there was nothing you could do anymore
- His best friend was more important than his own girlfriend

- You had been trying to text and call Hyunjjn all night since he still hadn't arrived at your date spot yet
- You decided to walk around and wait to see if he'd call you back
- But as you were walking around you spotted him with his best girl friend
- You were absolutely heartbroken and upset
- You didn't even confront him
- You just left there and ignored his texts and calls

- Han told you he couldn't attend your date due to work which you completely understood
- But when you saw him inside a cafe with his girl best friend you were so upset and mad
- Even his friends were mad with him
- He definitely saw you and tried to run after you but you were already gone
- He realized he messed up big time

- You knew Felix would never do anything to hurt you but he had been hanging out with his best girl friend a bit too much lately
- You were jealous
- It got even worse when he ditched your date just so he could help her
- After that you left him
- You were tired of her always being put first
- You just hoped that he wouldn't do anything like that again in the future to anyone else

- You had been talking about your date with Seungmin for so long now
- But right in the middle of your date he left to go to his girl best friend since she called him for help
- You were upset
- Lucky for you Chan was there and stayed with you the whole night
- He even said he'd talk to Seungmin
- But at this point you didn't care anymore

- As you were waiting for him to pick you up he called and told you that his girl best friend was coming into town and he needed to pick her up
- But even after he picked her up he never spent time with you and had even ditched your date
- Your date was supposed to celebrate your three year anniversary
- You didn't say anything to him
- You were done with him

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