AkaKage #47

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-Stuck in the cupboard

Tobio isn't exactly sure what happened. One minute he was wheeling the cart into the storage cupboard and helping Keiji put the equipment away, the next he's surrounded in darkness.

He tries the door handle, it doesn't work. He tries again but the door appears to be stuck. "Fuck." He says to himself.

Kageyama has never liked small spaces, especially small spaces that he's locked in. In fact, he's terrified of them. He feels his heart racing. Tobio shakes his head and forces himself to take slow breaths, trying not to panic.

However, it's hard. Really hard, and it's not exactly working either.  "What's wrong?" Sugawara asks from the other side. "Don't know, I think the doors stuck." Akaashi answers.

Kageyema bangs on it once more, panicking and not knowing what else to do. "Kageyama, stop banging on the door," He hears Daichi scold. He kicks it before sliding down the wall, pulling his knees up to his chest and hugging himself.

Keiji kneels down in front of him, "Are you okay?" He asks quietly. "Yeah. I'm fine." is Tobios response, though they both his voice crack as he tries to stay calm.

He sits down next to him, pulling Kageyama close. "Your fine." He reassures. "It won't be long. The door will open in a minute."
"Mhm, I know that." He's started shaking now. Actually shaking, god could he get any more pathetic?

He's not alright, they both know that, but Tobio has too much pride to tell him otherwise. Keiji holds him tightly, drawing circles on his back, trying to calm him down.

"This'll be over soon. No need to worry."
"Yep." They hear people from the other side, trying to pry it open for the two. Kageyama leans his head back and closes his eyes.

"You're fine, there's nothing to worry about." Akaashi continues. Tobio nods. "You're safe, I'm right here with you." He holds onto Akaashi's hand, squeezing tightly, hoping that this will be over soon.

Thankfully it is, the door opens up and the light comes flooding back in. Tobio gets up and walks out like it never happened. Keiji follows after him, handing him a water bottle and sitting down beside him.

Tobio just sighs and takes a sip, leaning against him.

~let me know if there are any ships you'd like me to write!

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