#11 Kazukage

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~practicing too hard~

Kageyama walked into his bedroom and slumped onto the bed, groaning into a pillow and kicking his legs against the mattress.

Kazuhito, hearing his boyfriends distress, walked into the bedroom after grabbing something to eat from the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" He asks. But the only response he gets back is another groan.

Kazuhito frowns, having an idea on why Kageyama looked like he was throwing a small tantrum on his bed.

"Did you overwork yourself at practice?" Kageyama shook his head, knowing he's about to get chewed out if he gives the actual answer.

"Did you overwork yourself at practice?" Kazuhito repeats, in a sterner tone. He sees Kageyama give a small nod.

Kageyama jerks when he feels Kazuhito slap his head. "Ow!" He yells, turning his head to frown at him, wanting him to see his displeasure. Kazuhito rolls his eyes at his antics and, with a little struggle, takes his shirt off for him.

He grabs the massage oil from the bed side table and starts oiling up his hands.

Gently placing his hands in the middle of his back, he presses down hard and starts moving his hands up and down, feeling Kageyama relax under his touch.

Occasionally his back would arch slightly when he would work his hands to get out a knot.

Kazuhito moved his hands to Kageyama's upper thighs, knowing that his legs would be just as sore as his back.

He did the same routine. Up and down, up and down, giving a firm squeeze, and another slightly harder squeeze...and one more for good luck of course before going further down to his legs.

Kageyama, who felt this, tried to grab and playfully hit him, though failed.

"Oh hush it," Kazuhito says with a smile. "I know you like this," He puts a little bit more pressure onto him.

"Is this good?" Tobio gives a hum as an answer and closes his eyes, letting his boyfriends massaging relax him.

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