#40 TenKage

327 10 1

Self harm, depression
-stars on his scars.
Tendou draws stars on Kageyama's scars.

Tobio's just had one of those days-no week. Something heavy settled on his chest early Monday morning.

At first, he thought that if he focused on schoolwork and volleyball, that if he ignored it, it'd go away, but it didn't.

This heaviness only got worse, saying that 'if you ignore me, I'm going to make myself known'.

No one knows about this heaviness, frankly he thought that nobody would really care, and it's not like it's important or anything.

It's been eating him up for years, what started off as something seemingly harmless, turned into this giant beast that followed him everywhere.

It started the moment his grandfather died, the black dog materialised in the middle of the night as he was sobbing on his kitchen floor in the middle of the night, cursing out the gods for taking the one person who really believed in him.

The dog started off as this small ball of fur that trotted by his side, turned into what appears to be a hound from hell, still trotting at his side occasionally nipping at his ankles like he used to.

Currently, this black dog is putting all of his weight onto his chest as Tobio lies on his floor late at night in one of Satori's bigger shirts, unable to move or get up.

He hears footsteps from behind him, along with the hallway light switch turning on.

Kageyama watches as Tendou sits down next to him with a wide smile. "Watcha doin?" He replies in a cheery tone, knowing that Tobio is in fact not doing well, but also knowing better than to coddle and pitty him.

"Just sitting around." He replies in an equally cheery tone.

Satori notices Tobio's outstretched arm, while the other lay on his chest, stroking at something he can't see.

He kisses Tobio on the forehead before walking off, coming back with a pen in hand.

Satori grabs his outstretched arm, humming to himself and drawing stars on the scars that mark Tobio's body.

Once the left arm is done, he fills the scars on his right, kissing each individual scar before he marks them.

Last are the scars on his thighs, again, kissing them individually, slowly and meaningfully, softly running his thumbs over the raised scars, like they're not something ugly or something to be ashamed about.

"They're beautiful." He says softly. "Don't be ashamed." He adds, running a hand on his cheek.

"You're beautiful just the way you are." Satori's able to say it in such a way that Tobio can't help but believe him.

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