UshiKage #41

349 13 4

~childhood friends to lovers~
Requested by: @EminentCasle
Enjoy! Hope it wasn't too short or anything.

It started at the park. Tobio was only four years old and had scraped his knee. Ushijima had poked him on the shoulder, offering him hand.

Little Tobio sniffled and wipes his eyes, taking the hand offered to him. He did his best to smile, even though the little boy was in pain.

Ushijima lead him over to his mother, who's sitting on a bench nearby. "Mama, can you fix it?" He asks innocently.

The woman smiles at the two. "Of course I can. Come sit down darling." She says to Kageyama. Searching though her purse, she pulls out a couple bandaids.

"There we go, all better." She says once his knees are all bandaged. "Where are your parents little one?" He points over to another bench, diagonal to them. "Grandpas over there."

"How about we go tell him about the little accident, then?" He nods and slides off the bench. Ushijima is holding his hand again.

Tobio has a slight limp, as he walks over his grandpa. "Oh what happened here."
"I fell, but the nice lady made it better."
"Really? Did you say thank you?" His little face reddens, no, he hadn't. "Thank you for making it better."
"Well you're very much welcome." She says back, then turns to his grandfather, "what a polite boy you have here." She compliments.

Little Kageyamas stomach rumbles, signalling that it's time for food. "Well we better get going then." Tobio frowns at his grandfather, wanting to spend more time with his new friend.

"You wanna come over and have snacks?" He asks his new friend, making the adults chuckle. Ushijima turns to his mother. "Can I?"
"Yeah of course honey, as long as it's okay with them." He waves them off. "Oh it's no trouble at all." The blues light up at this, excited to play together and snacks they'll be getting.

"You like volleyball too?" Ushijima asks excitedly once they entered Tobio's room. He nods enthusiastically. "Yes! My grandpa teaches me."

Not only did Kazuyo end up teaching his grandson volleyball, but his grandsons best friend as well.

It wasn't until Kageyama was around twelve, did these unexpected and unexplained feelings start popping up.

He'd never had a crush before. He never understood what the big deal was of like-liking someone.

Plus he didn't have time for crushes or girlfriends, he was too busy with homework and volleyball.

So he shoved the feelings down, thinking they were just admiration, feelings of deep friendship, or something similar.

Tobio's thirteen when his grandfather died. The one person who lived and believed in him is gone, and there is nothing he could do or say to bring him back.

He cried for ages. Kageyama became a weeping lump on his bed. Ushijima sat with him. Making sure he eats and consoles him as best he can.

Tobio had a lot of anger,  sadness and grief from them on. He didn't mean to. He didn't want to snap at people but he did anyway. He tried to say sorry, so many times, but he just couldn't.

Still, Ushijima stayed right by his side, even on his more snappy days.

"I wish we could go back to when we were kids." Fifteen year old Kageyama said, as he was lounging on top of Ushijima. "Hm? Why's that?"
"Things were simpler. Didn't have to worry about shit."
"Why do you say that? What's wrong?" Tobio shrugs. "I don't know. Nothing. Everything." Ushijima just gently places his hands on the small of Kageyama's back.

"Aye you okay?" Sixteen year old Kageyama asks Ushijima, who's looking a little nervous with a box of chocolates in his hand.

He takes a deep breath. "I like you." He says straightforwardly. Kageyama nods, "yeah, I like you too." He says, not quite understanding what he means.

Wakatoshi shakes his head. "No. I like you." Then kisses him. Tobio's shocked for a second. Ushijima pulls away, looking a little awkward and embarrassed, his face is tinted red.

"Well that's okay. I like you too." Tobio's the one who initiates their second kiss. He can feel Ushijima smiling against him.

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