#35 TsukiKage

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- Fear of sleep, brought to you by an author who has said fear. 

Tobio knew it was coming. He can't stay awake forever, as that's impossible. It's not like he could pull an all-nighter either, Tsukishima's here and knows he's going to make him go to bed. 

Once the usual night routine of dinners, bath and teeth had finished, it was definitely late enough to go to bed. 

Tsukishima dragged him down the hall to the bedroom, setting them down on the bed. "Did you take your medication?" 
"Fuck off." Tobio says, turning on his side, away from him, slightly annoyed. "Did you take it or not?" Kei asks in a firm voice. "Yes, I fucking took it." He mumbles. "Can I borrow your headphones?" 
"Yes, yes you can." He asks the same question whenever they spend the night together, which is a lot, and every time, he says yes. 

"You don't have to ask, you know? Just take them." He says, handing them over. "I don't like borrowing someone's stuff without permission." He answers, pulling the covers up. Neither fall asleep quickly, Kei waits for Tobio to fall asleep first, wanting to actually make sure he does get to sleep. 

Tonight appears to be one of the more worse nights, he notices the way Tobio closes his eyes, then opens them, trying to stop himself from falling asleep, wanting to stay awake longer. 

There's nothing he can say to his partner, that'll make him feel any better, and it sucks, it really sucks that there's nothing he can do about this, besides be there for him and make sure he gets a somewhat decent sleep. 

Eventually, Kageyama does fall asleep, clinging onto Kei, who finally closes his eyes, wrapping his arms around him, happy that he finally gave in. 

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