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Scarlett's POV

Colin and I get upstairs after a long day. He and Y/N had come gotten home quite late and we stayed up later than normal. I love that she is spending time with him. I can tell from her that she is loving this time with us. I know she had so much fun filming but I also know she was excited to spend time with us again. The fact that she didn't complain once when we asked her to look after her siblings was a big indication of that.

But I also know that she is missing Flo. They call every week and text pretty much every day but I know she got kind of used to having her around every day, especially after Flo finished filming. I have a feeling that she talked about something to Colin. I never press him to tell me what they talk about when they go on their drives. That is private. If she wants to share that with me she will. But I also know that she asks him about certain things when they go on those drives.

It is so funny to me they still do that, but back when she was still learning, which was so early on in us knowing her, it was her way to bond with Colin. I truly believe that him teaching her how to drive is what really established the father-daughter relationship they have. It was never really that strong before if it was there at all. I mean they were fine around each other but they weren't necessarily close. I love that he is like a father to her now. She really needed that after everything that went down with her adoptive parents.

"Colin, do you think we should get Flo out here?" I ask him as I move the covers to get into bed after getting ready.

"I think we should, they need to talk." He mentions putting down the book he was reading.

"Wait why? Did something happen between?"

"No, everything is good between them. But I know Y/N misses her and wants to ask her something. And for the asking part, I know she I also pushing it away because it scares her a little bit. I think it'll help her if she has to just face it head-on." He tells me, and I know that is what they talked about. He will usually tell me some things but not in detail and I respect that.

"So you think it is a good idea to surprise her with Flo here?" I ask again.

"I think it's a great idea. It will be nice for you to see her again as well. I know you miss her as well." He says slightly pushing me to the side. He is right, I also miss Florence. We bonded very well when we filmed Black Widow and she became like a little sister to me. We still regularly text and keep up with each other. I do also learn some things through Y/N because she can't seem to shut up about her girlfriend.

"I'll text her in the morning," I say before turning off the light and cuddling up to my husband.


Last night for the first time in a long time I didn't manage to sleep well. I don't know what it was. I used to have these nights more often than I'd like to admit before filming and meeting Scarlett, but they have been gone for a while now or at least in a certain way. Sometimes I still have them but I think most of the days I had just been too exhausted for my brain to keep me awake.

But I am guessing these slow days are catching up with me and I am now back to being kept awake by my brain just thinking about things at a million miles an hour. I don't even know half of the time what it is that is going on. I am just being kept awake.

Maybe it was the conversation with Colin earlier tonight that did it or maybe it is something else. I truly don't even know what it is, just like always. All I know is that I am very annoyed by the fact that my bed doesn't feel comfortable and I am just tossing and turning. And when I do something to get my mind off whatever is keeping me up I start to feel tired, just for the tiredness to disappear when I put down my book or phone to try and sleep. It is frustrating and usually ends up in me pulling an unintentional all-nighter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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