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Scarlett's POV.

We arrive at the office after another silent car ride. I don't know what it is but these car rides are so calming to me. We don't have to day anything and just enjoy each others company. I open the door and I hear her audibly gasp as she slaps her hand over her mouth, stopping her in her tracks. She must have only now realised that is was talking about the Outset office. I laugh at the silent freak out that she is having, once again getting reminded that she is a mega fan so she must have seen all the video's that were posted on the TikTok and Instagram account. I grab her hand to take her to my desk my she manages to get out of my grasp. Before I can register that she is no longer in with me I hear her scream as she plops on the couch that is placed against one of the walls.

"It is as comfortable as it looks." She says like a happy little kid. I see her laying down just admiring everything that she is seeing.

"Y/N, come on don't wear your shoes on the couch. Please can you behave we are with my co-workers. Can you just come to my desk with me, you can go and explore the place when I am done." I say, not wanting to disturb my co-worked that don't need a starstruck kid running around the place. I se her sulk for a little bit, sad that she can't go look around this place that she has only seen on her screen. Walking towards me she spots the bowl with mini stroopwafels that we keep in the office, grabbing a handful of them before joining me in the separated office me and Kate share. She sits down and starts munching on the cookies.

"Excuse me, you come here and the first thing you do is eat." I say with a playful tone.

"Yes, you wouldn't let me stay on the couch and I haven't had these in ages and their the best. Gosh, you are such a mom though." She says with her mouth full of the cookies.

I roll my eyes and instruct her to stay her until I come back. I see her getting comfortable in my office and know that she will be fine. Even though she is considered to be an adult, she can act like such a little kid. A plus is that she doesn't need constant supervision like Rose and Cosmo do.

I walk over to the room that we designated as our meeting room, most people are already there since I was the only one out of office today, since I obviously had to deal with some things. I greet everyone and notice that Kate is not yet there, so we decide to wait a little before starting the meeting.


I get comfortable in Scarlett's office as I munch on the cookies that I grew up with. Damn it has been a while since I had them since the stash I brought to Sweden didn't last that long and I haven been able to buy them in Sweden. I put on my headphones and open up my laptop in the hopes that I will get some schoolwork done.

I am doing my work when all of a sudden I am interrupted by a voice.

"I'm sorry what are you doing here?"

Shit, Kate. Scarlett didn't let her know that I would be in here. I quickly take my headphones of realising I will have to explain the situation. But what do I tell her, we didn't discuss what we would do about this.

"Oh hi, sorry. I thought Scarlett would have told you I would be in here. I am a family friend and visiting. She didn't have time to drop me off so she let me stay here while she was in the meeting." I say, hoping that Kate wouldn't notice that it wasn't the truth.

"Okay, well have fun. I see you have already found the stroopwafels." She says grabbing the stuff that she needs, before leaving me alone again.

It is about 2 hours before I can hear the two woman coming into the office laughing about something together.

"well you took your sweet time." I say, as I quickly try to hide the amount of empty cookie wrappers that are beside my laptop. Realising that I ate an ungodly amount of them.

"Sorry we had a lot to discuss. I see you enjoyed the cookies that aren't even supposed to be for you to eat." She replies, trying to hide her laughter. "Oh Kate, meet Y/N."

"We met already." Kate and I say together. And laugh at the face Scarlett makes when she realises that we already saw each other.

"You can tell her if you want to." I whisper to her as I pass her to find a bathroom, realising that I really need to pee and have been stuck in the office for over 2 hours. I quickly walk around and eventually find the bathroom. When I come back both Kate and Scarlett look up at me when I walk back into the office that they share. I guess she told her.

"Let me introduce myself again properly. Hi, I am Y/N Y/L/N and I am Scarlett's daughter. God that is still weird to say." I say holding out my hand for her to shake it, hoping that this lightens the slight mood that hangs in the enclosed space.

"Nice to meet you, again. So I'll guess you will be around here more?" Kate says, shaking the hand that I stuck out to her.

"Well if Scarlett wants me to than I will. I like it here. This place looks just as comfortable as it does on social media. Oh Scarlett, can I steal some products from here. I have been dying to try them." I ask, as I run out to grab the products of the shelve, knowing exactly what I want. It is no joke when I have been dying to try them. I was so bummed out when I found out they don't yet ship outside the US.

"Uhm Y/N, what did I say about running around the place. And haven't you tried them already, considering the fan you are of me and the brand." She says. Her mom voice ringing through the air.

"Well I would have, but you don't ship to Sweden or the Netherlands. And I'm sorry, but this is all just so exciting." I defend my choices and slow down.

"Well it is late, maybe it is time to go home. Darling set down some of the products, you don't need 4 boxes of the serum, one is more than enough of each product." She says as she hands me my coat and opens the door. I wave a quick goodbye to a Kate who can't stop laughing over the dynamic that Scarlett and I have.

"Scarlett why do you go all mom over me every time we are somewhere? I am more than old enough to not need that." I ask her when we get back to the car, to go back home. My god, I am already getting so used to this place that I am calling it home.

"Have you seen yourself running around in some places. You act like a little kid, Rose can be easier to handle sometimes." I put my hand on my chest, just like I had done the night before, to show her that it offended me but in the most dramatic and unserious way possible. I feel her hand push my shoulder.

"So you told Kate, didn't think you were ready to tell people already?"

"Yes, she is one of my closest friends and I couldn't have kept my mouth shut. You might not believe it but I am super excited to have you here, if I could I would scream if of the rooftops. But I know that you are not comfortable with that and you told me you were fine with me telling Kate."

"I am, still didn't think you would do I though."

We finally arrive back home after a long day. I am absolutely shattered. Jet lag is no joke, if I could I would have probably slept all day. When we enter the apartment I can smell food. I didn't know Colin could cook, but as long as I tastes somewhat good I'll eat it.

"I like him." I say to Scarlett.


"Colin, I like him. He is good for you, out of all the husbands you have had you look the happiest with him. And he cooks so that is plus." I say a big smile plastered over my face and one coming onto her face as well.

"Y/N, I made something for you." Rose screams as she runs up to us, holding a drawing she made.

I take the drawing and look at it. It is apicture of me with the whole family and all I can do is cry.


A/N: put a change of POV in here. let me know if you like. Also what is going on with that drawing that Rose made huh.

I hope you like it and as always votes and comments are appreciated.


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