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About an hour after arriving I hear a knock on my door. Shit, I am not wearing anything.

"Just a minute." I scream hoping that it is nobody and that they can wait. I quickly scramble to get some clothes on. As I struggle to get my hoodie over my head I hear the door open, I guess they got an employee to open it for them.

"hi, I see you're getting comfortable here already." I hear the recognisable raspy voice say with some laughter in it. I pull the hoodie over my head, cheeks blushing by her once again catching me doing something weird.

"Well you wouldn't have to catch me doing weird stuff every time you come here if you would give me some notice beforehand." Slapping my hand over my mouth realising that this sounds way to harsh. I can't believe I just spoke in that way to this person. Quickly looking up to check if she is offended, but the only thing I can spot in her eyes is amusement. A small laugh comes on her face, I still can't get over how happy that smile makes me.

"hahaha, sorry. All of this is very last minute and these are just some things that need to get done before we can get to know each other better. And I don't mind seeing you in this way, it gets me to experience some of the things I feel like I missed." She replies.

Wait, what, the things that she missed. I am so confused on how close of family I actually am to her now. I feel like she wouldn't say this to someone that is a cousin.

"I assure you this is the last formality to get out of the way, but we need to have some blood drawn from you and another cheek swab for the DNA-test. After that I'll leave you be for a little bit, be ready by 12 in the lobby a car will be there to pick you up and bring you to my house. And the last thing I want to ask you is that you keep this secret for a little while." She says before sitting down on a chair and gesturing me to do the same. Someone comes in with medical supplies.

"Of course I will keep this secret, I signed the NDA. So I will literally get sued if I do, and I don't have the money for that." I say while sitting down on the chair next to her.

The person draws my blood and does the cheek swab, doing the same for Scarlett after finishing with me.

"Scarlett, can I ask you something?,' she nods,' Why are doing all of this, flying me out, testing the DNA more? I am just confused." I ask shyly.

"You'll find out at lunch." She says blankly before getting up and leaving me with a quick wave.

I put on some music and get myself a little bit more presentable for lunch at her place. Seeing that is already 12 I grab my phone and some other stuff that I stuff into my pockets and make my way to the lobby, where the same guy as at the airport is waiting for me. It is about a 20 minutes before we stop and the door is once again opened for me. The man leads me into the elevator and presses the button for the penthouse. Of course she lives in the penthouse of this already way to fancy building. The elevator doors open and I am met by the smell of cooking. She is cooking for me, I didn't know she did that. I hear someone say my name before I can see her coming from the kitchen. Before I know it I am pulled into a hug I didn't know I needed.

"Hey again, we have the penthouse to ourselves for the rest of the afternoon, Colin is working and the kids are with my mom. Make yourself at home." She says before leading me to the dining room where the table is set for two people. I sit down, slightly uncomfortable at the hospitality that is being displayed by her, I check my phone really quickly before I am joined by her. She quickly makes me a plate which a happily take, I am so hungry because I didn't eat much of the breakfast on the plane and haven't eaten since.

"Scarlett, this is amazing." I exclaim after taking a bite. She smiles, happy that I like it.

"So you asked me earlier why I am being like this. I know you must be very confused. Hey slow down, gosh you are just like Rose always inhaling your plate of food.,' she says laughing, I look up and realise I am eating like a barbarian and slow down. I look at her thinking about what she just said me being like her daughter.,' okay, let me explain please before you freak out,' she says, some nervousness in her voice,' let me just say it bluntly, and we have to wait for the confirmation from the test, but I have reason to believe you are my daughter." She says quickly, just wanting to get it over with. I drop my fork in disbelieve, still processing what she just told me. Now all of it makes sense. Holy shit, I am Scarlett Johansson's daughter. No wait Y/N nothing has been confirmed yet.

"Wait, what. You joking right. That can't be right. Right?" I ask not believing this, but also hoping that it is. Truth is I have never felt like I belonged in my family, I always was different from the rest of my cousins. But never a second have I thought that I would be adopted. I look up to see Scarlett's eyes slowly filling up with tears. We sit there for a while, both not eating or saying anything.

"Look, I never wanted to but it was the best for me and my career at the time, you should know I was very young when I had you and my manager at the time slightly forced me into giving you up. I didn't really want to but I chose this really nice family from the Netherlands and knew you would be fine. I had always hoped that our paths would cross." She says tears streaming down here face. I look up to meet her eyes, now certain that it is me. No DNA-test was needed. I knew because I grew up in the Netherlands. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice her sitting down next to me, until I feel her hands wipe away tears I didn't know were streaming from eyes.

"I grew up in the Netherlands." I reply blankly, still busy processing everything that has just come to light. I try to say some more but I physically can't as I am full on sobbing now.

She respects that I need some time, the only thing she does is hold me. And it feels just right, like it is something I have felt before.

They always say that you will never forget yourmothers touch.


A/N: was really to be expected. I love how this chapter turned out.

this will be the last update for today. but i hope you like it. comments and votes are appreciated. 

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