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Scarlett's POV.

Yesterday and last night were amazing. I was a bit confused when Y/N and Florence left after she had just come back from the DMV and Rose came to me to complain that Y/N didn't want to play with her. Last I know she would have dropped anything to go play with her sister. But I guess she just wanted some time alone with her friend.

I had noticed before how she started spending more and more time with Florence but I guess they have just become good friends. I know that Y/N used to have a massive celebrity crush on the girl so that explains the random blushing that happens throughout the day when Florence says something.

They had both come back a little giggly from their hangout, but you know they are both a lot younger and one of them had probably just said something funny. I just leave myself out of it.

Dinner was great, we had a fun time and I had actually paid for the restaurant to stay open later so that we could use it as a bar. I am happy they agreed to and the longer the night progressed the better the night became. Y/N seemed to be having fun.

At one point I have to leave and bring back home the kids, they can't stay out at a bar. Luckily Kate had offered to look after them while we were gone. I had assured her that I wouldn't mind staying with the kids, but she didn't take no for an answer. Telling me that I get to have fun as well.

When I got back Y/N was nowhere to be seen, but according to Lizzie, she had to take a phone call. After ages, I believed the phone call to be over, so I called her over to sing a duet with me. It was a little weird when she and Florence came back just after one another, but it was quickly forgotten as she joined me on the stage.

We sang as best as we could and I still cannot get over how good Y/n's voice is. Considering she never had taken voice lessons and this was just her own work, she is a really good singer. Better than I am.

As the night continued I ended up doing shots with her, Lizzie and Flo at the bar. but we all had to stop after like 4 of them. Y/N however was still going strong, but after a few more shots I pulled her away from the bar and sat her down on one of the couches handing her a glass of water.

When she starts talking in Swedish I know she is not going to remember any of this in the morning. I laugh at her and snap a picture when she gives me a death stare while sipping on the water I had given her. I didn't know she spoke any Swedish but I gathered from how she handles her alcohol that would be a sentence she knows. I could understand a little, with the little knowledge of Danish I have.

After a while, she believes that she is sobered up enough and she goes over to Florence to pull her to the dance floor. I laugh at her when she claims to have broken free from mom prison, but little does she know that I am still keeping an eye on her and that she will not be having any more to drink. I like seeing her so carefree tonight, I know most of it is due to the alcohol, but she generally seems a lot happier and stress-free.

After half an hour of dancing like a maniac, she drops to the floor. I see Florence snap a picture of the girl as she lies there admiring the lights. After a little I pull her off the floor, I think it is a good time if both of us go home. Most people had already left and it was just her, me, Lizzie, Flo and some other people. But as soon as I dragged my daughter off the floor they decide it is probably best if they go home as well, it has been a long night and some people have stuff to do in the morning.

She goes to the manager and thanks her and I am met at the Uber by the manager bringing her back to me and she laughs as she says goodbye. I'll make sure to go there in the morning and bring them a big tip. The employees have been awesome so they deserve it.

Y/N falls asleep instantly and I just leave her be, myself being a little too drunk and tired to get her out of her clothes. It has been a while since I have been out this late. I snuggle up to Colin who is already in bed once I get out of my clothes and take off my make-up.

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