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A/N: Buckle in everyone it is a long one today.


Filming I wrapping today. These past few months have been amazing. The beginning of filming wasn't that smooth for me but once time went on I got into this flow. Which was then so rudely interrupted when I broke my ankle. But once that was somewhat healed and I was cleared by the doctor to do active stuff on it I was back into it just like that.

I got cleared to do light stuff right before we went to Europe to film there which was great. It just meant that most stunts smaller or bigger ones had to be performed by my stunt double. It was kind of sad since I wanted to do as many stunts as possible, but it was better for me and my health. And my stunt double is no doubt better at doing them than I am.

It is now the beginning of September and Florence joined me here three weeks ago after she finished Thunderbolts. Which was great because we could finally spend some more time together again.

Now that I was fully healed I was going to do this last fight sequence that we were shooting myself. It wasn't a lot of jumping from heights or other stuff that could harm me so I was allowed to do it.

Before we started I got some bruising touched up by my make-up person and then we immediately went into shooting this. The scene had been rehearsed over and over since it would be shot in one big shot and since they wanted to be sure I could do it. They didn't need me injuring myself again on the last day of shooting.

Before I knew it action was called and cut was called and with that, we had shot the last thing needed for the movie.

"And that is a wrap on Y/N and the movie," Taika calls out over the megaphone. Pedro and Xochitl had wrapped the day before as we only had a half day and this big scene left to shoot.

As soon as I wrapped Florence ran up to me hugging me from behind as we listened to the speeches that were being held by Taika and a few other people.

"Let's get out of here," she whispers as soon as they finish and she pulls me away towards the makeshift trailer camp they had on the location since we had been here for a few days.

I get out of costume and quickly take the grime and make-up off my face before we head home back to the hotel we had been staying in for the past two weeks that we had been in the city.

As soon as the door was closed Florence pushed me against the door and we started making out. I guess she had been waiting for this.

"Flo I have to take a shower, I'm sweaty and dirty from filming," I mumble in between the kissing. Moaning when she moves to my neck. I pull myself away from the door and walk towards the bathroom. "Why don't you join me." I turn around after hearing her groan when I walked away.

Just with that one comment, she starts stripping herself of her clothes and she walks over to me all giggly.

We share the shower. And afterwards, we wash each other's hair and body.

(A/N: I ain't writing spice right now unless that is something that you guys want then I can for sure do that. So as of right now use your imagination for the shower.)

"That is way better than the vibrator I had to use when you were away." Flo laughs when we walk out of the shower.

"Well, good thing you have me then," I smirk. before putting on some clothes to go out. It is just an easy dress as it is still quite hot here in the city. Naples in September and shooting in hot costume is not a great combination I have learned.

We both put on some sunglasses as we leave the hotel and walk towards the restaurant where we are having dinner to celebrate the finishing of the movie with some of the cast and crew. They had rented out this beautiful rooftop that overlooks the sea and the beautiful city of Naples.

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