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Life has been boring the past few weeks. Nothing really is happening other than the usual lectures and classes you were following on campus. Everything is happening as it should be. You are a student in your dream programme in Sweden. Yes, I know it is crazy I never actually thought I had a shot at getting this spot here, but they did so here I am living the life I had always dreamt of. You have a nice friend group and overall your life had been changed for the better since you had come here. And the best thing of all was the snow, we have had snow now for a week and it is so beautiful here.

I am currently in class, but the lecture is quite boring. Everything I had already learnt in high school. But I am still there, scared that is will start skipping every lecture if I skip one. And the rest of the lectures had been really interested. The end of lecture was almost done and I could see everyone else dosing of, wanting to go home for the day. It was Friday after all so that meant this was the last thing to do before it was the weekend and we could all get smashed at the club.

Suddenly this notification pops up on my laptop screen.

"results of you 23andme test." The screen says.

Oh, yeah I had really forgotten that I had done one of these. After our forensics module in the first course I got interested and had done one. Purely for shits and giggles. But as I was opening the email our lecturer wished us a good weekend and left us to pack up and leave. Finally!!

I say goodbye to my friends who are staying on campus for lunch and will probably get some work done. Should I have stayed with them and for the first time this course do some work? Probably. Am I to tired to that and want to just go home and do absolutely nothing the rest of the day? Absolutely. I walk home, Swedish club music blasting in my headphones. I can not understand most of it but I like the beat that is has, it is good music.

I come home and throw my bag in the corner not bothering to take my shoes of, even though I probably should because of the snow, but I will clean my room tomorrow anyway. I also am met by the mountain of dishes on my desk that I still have to do, but I ignore them for now. I open my laptop and remember the email I had gotten just 30 minutes before.

I open the email with the link to my results and log in. It says the regular things. Like you are this much percent white and this much percent this ethnicity. Thanks for telling me I was as white as I already knew I was. But at the end there is something different that I had not yet seen with other people.

"You have matched with a celebrity, call this number for more information." It read in big white letters on the screen.

"they are joking right," I called out to no one as I live alone.

Very sceptical I called the number, fully convinced that this must all be one big joke. Waiting for someone else to pick up was torture, even though this is probably the biggest joke I will ever come across, I was still curious about who I might be related to.

God damn why does it take so long for someone to pick up the phone.


A/N: Hey everyone this is a new story I have just started. This is just an idea that I had that I am writing down. So far it has not been spell-checked or anything, So let me know if there is something wrong. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have so far writing it.

A new lifeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن