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The next few days leading up to Thanksgiving are spent either doing nothing or doing some work for school. Scarlett took me out shopping for some clothes to wear during the holiday. I insisted that she didn't have to pay for it and that I could just go to H&M to buy something. But Scarlett being as stubborn as she is took me to a more expensive store and paid for the thing that I wanted to have. Only at the counter did I find out that the pair of pants and shirt I had chosen cost a good 500 dollars. That is more than my rent, but Scarlett didn't bat an eye and paid for it without hesitation. One day was spent celebrating Scarlett's birthday and Colin had really saved my ass. Because of everything I had totally forgotten that it was coming up and had not bought anything. I was surprised that I even forgot since this date has been engraved in my mind since I became a fan. Luckily Colin had bought something extra that I could give her. She did, however, still figure out that I had forgotten but did not blame me and just gracefully accepted the present.

The morning of Thanksgiving I was woken up by a very excited little sister jumping on my bed.

"Rose, why are you up so early?" I groan. Definitely hoping to get a little more time to sleep.

"Y/N, I am so excited. My first Thanksgiving with you. And the rest of the family gets to meet you too and we can go and play games all day together." The very awake little girl rambles at the end of my bed. Still happily jumping up and down.

"Yes, it is our first Thanksgiving together little bean. But your dear older sister would like a little bit more sleep if you don't mind." I say, my eyes still partially closed.

"Why are you always so tired Y/N?"

"Life my little bean, just life," I complain, hoping that it will make her leave and it gives me a little bit more time to sleep.

"Well, okay. You can sleep but you have to promise to go and play with me as soon as you get up." The little girl says, slightly sad that she has to wait. All I do I wave my hand as she jumps off my bed and leaves the room, leaving the door open. "Could you not have closed my door?" I shout after her as I quickly get out of bed to close my door, before sprinting bed to the warmth of my bed.

I slept for about two more hours before a slightly stressed Scarlett came to wake me up.

"Y/N, darling, get out of bed. The guests are going to be here in two hours and I need your help getting stuff ready." She says, slightly panicked. I groan and sit up, before falling back down. "Y/N get out of bed." She now says, her voice sterner this time.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm getting out of bed okay, give me a little time to get ready and I'll be down to help get the house ready," I say, pushing her out of my room so that I can get dressed. I take about an hour to get myself ready, taking a shower, putting on some make-up and curling my hair. Before putting it up in a little hairdo that I once taught myself.

"What took you so long?" I get scolded slightly when I enter the kitchen.

"What, you want me to meet the rest of the family in my sweatpants?" I joke, hoping that it will take the look off her face, which starts to slightly scare me. Yeah, this woman can be scary when she gets angry, it is like she channels her inner Natasha Romanoff. I get a stack of plates shoved into my hand, "Go set the table." She orders me. Not wanting to make her any angrier and more stressed than she already is, I do exactly what she asks me to do.

After half an hour I finish and join Rose who is sitting watching some TV in the living room. I sit down next to her on the couch.

"Hey, little bean, how have you been? Does Scarlett always get this scary on this day?" I point out hoping that she will not notice that I broke my promise to play with her.

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