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Today is the day that I leave the Johansson household to see my parents. I wake up to see that the suitcase that wasn't fully packed the night before is now neatly closed and stood upright, a signal that someone finished packing it for me, I presume Scarlett. I quickly slip into the clothes that I had laid out to wear, something comfortable since I would be on a plane for 8 hours. I put the last few necessary things in my hand luggage and check the room before getting everything and carrying it down the stairs. I put everything by the door and check if anyone else is awake.

"Good morning," I say, my voice still croaky from waking up just 15 minutes before.

"Morning." A very clearly tired Scarlett greets me as I walk into the kitchen. She signals me to sit down and puts down a plate in front of me and a cup of orange juice. She sits down next to me, sipping on her coffee. We sit there in silence, something that we seem to enjoy, as I quickly finish my breakfast.

"Are you ready to go darling?" I hear the slightly sad voice of the woman beside me ask me. I nod getting up to put my dishes in the sink and give them a quick rinse.

"I'm going to go say goodbye to Rose," I say, before walking up the stairs to her room. "Hey little bean, are you awake?" her eyes flicker open and she mumbles something I can't understand.

"Y/N do you really have to go already?" I hear the little voice beside me say, tears threatening her eyes as I take her into a hug.

"Yes, my little bean, I have to fix some things. But I promise that I will be back to visit and you can facetime me anytime okay." I give her another hug before kissing her on her head. I stand up and wave goodbye to the little girl that is now sitting crying in her bed, not wanting me to leave. I quickly leave her room, feeling tears starting to sting my own eyes, having grown to like the little girl way too much in the short time that I have been here. I would protect my little bean at all costs, no matter what it is.

As I enter the hall I see a now red-eyed Scarlett next to a calm Colin. They both walk with me to the car before I say my goodbyes to Colin and me and Scarlett take our places in the black car that has been waiting for me.

"Scarlett, you don't have to be strong for me. You can cry if you want to." I look at the woman on the other side of me, trying her best to keep her tears from falling. I am trying my best as well to keep the tears stinging my eyes from falling. Knowing full well that this might be the last time in a while that I will see her and also that I will now have to tell my adoptive parents about everything that has been going on. The rest of the drive is once again spent in silence and when we arrive at the airport Scarlett walks me all the way to the point where she has to leave me on my own.

"Do you have everything, passport, wallet, phone and do you nee....." she rambles, going all motherly over me. "Yes Scarlett, I have everything. Don't worry I will be okay." I interrupt her. She pulls me into a tight hug, letting the tears fall and I do the same. We must look absolutely insane right now, two people absolutely sobbing in an airport.

"Scarlett, I know it is hard letting me go but I have to go or I'll miss my flight. I am going to tell you the same thing that I told Rose okay? I will be back to visit, I just don't know when, and you can facetime me anytime you want okay. I don't care if I will be sleeping or if I am in class or not. Do you understand? And the last thing, you are kind of squeezing me a little too hard right now." I say clearly making sure she understands every last word. She lets me go, a slight smile now on her face again. She kisses me on the side of my head before I walk away to check myself and my luggage in.

The flight is pretty chill, I sleep for most of it hoping to keep the jet lag to a limit. I must be honest flying first class is absolutely amazing, and the comfort is unbelievable. Before I know it I land in Amsterdam. I get my luggage and leave to find a train that will get me to my parents. At these moments I am really grateful I still have my Dutch public transport card. Makes it all the cheaper, even though I don't really have to think about money now because Scarlett gave me way too much of it.

Before I know it I am in front of the door to the house that I grew up in. Getting all my nerves in check before ringing the doorbell. I see the door to my mom's atelier open and the shock on her face when she realizes that I am there.

"What are you doing here?" She says, shocked by seeing me there.

"Surprise. I thought I would visit you on the way back to Sweden." I walk into the house and after taking off my coat and shoes I walk up the stairs to the familiar spaces where I have spent most of my life in. "Where is dad?"

"He is at work. Do you want something to drink?" I keep her from getting it for me and get it for myself. While standing at the sink I say "Of course, sorry. I am still a little bit used to a different time zone. So how has everything been here?"

We spent the afternoon chatting and catching up. We lose track of time until we hear the front door open. It is my dad coming home from work. My mom leaves us to go and cook dinner as me and my dad catch up. I think the best time to tell them is during dinner. I mean I leave tomorrow in the afternoon so there is not a lot of time.

I start to get more and more nervous about telling them the closer dinner is to being done. I am so not ready by the time we all go to the dinner table, my brother has joined us as well in the meantime. I put some food on my plate but the only thing I can do is play with it, I don't have the appetite right now. Partly due to my whole system being messed up by the time difference and partly because of the stress that having to tell them is causing me.

"Y/N what is wrong?" My mom asks me when she sees me not eating. I look up, the anxiety probably pretty clear in my eyes.

"Uhm, nothing. I just have to tell you something." I stay silent after this and continue to play with my food.

"What Y/N? What do you have to tell us?"

Scarlett's POV

It was hard to have her leave, I had grown to like having her around and she is great for Rose. But I also know she already has a life that had been established before she even knew me. The life that she is now potentially ruining by having met me. I walk into the office where Kate and the rest of the team are already working.

"Hey Scar." Most of them greet me.

I sit down with a sad look on my face, missing her. "Scarlett, are you okay? You seem sad." Kate asks me, worry on her face.

"Y/N left today and I guess I am taking it harder than I thought I would," I reply as she takes me into a hug. The rest of the day is spent in me making some content for our social media accounts and with some meetings.

Before I know it this day is already over, oneday closer to hopefully seeing Y/N again.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N: I am leaving you guys on a slight cliff-hanger. What will happen with Y/N and her adoptive family? Shit is going down though in the next chapter.

I am so happy to be consistently writing on this story. Might not be the best thing as I spent most of my afternoons writing instead of studying, but you know it is almost Christmas break for me so I'll have time to study then and write some more.

I hope you like this chapter, let me know what you think or if there are things you'd like to read in the future in this story. And as always votes and comments are appreciated.

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