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I am woken up by a knock on the door followed by footsteps coming into my room and someone forcing me to fully wake up by opening the curtains. I open my eyes immediately closing them again because of the bright light that is now streaming into the room.

"Did you really have to do that?" I groan.

"Yes, you have had more than enough time to sleep and we need to get stuff done."

I groan and sit up almost instantly getting hit by the very well known headache that I experience when I was drinking the night before. Before I even have to say a glass of water and to pills are shoved into my hands. I quickly swallow the pills before getting up, now face to face with an annoyed Scarlett in front of me.

"Come on, don't give me the look like it is my fault you were the one that kept on refilling my glass. How are you not in the same state we both drank a bottle each. I would also like to add that I am the one here that is jetlagged." I say hoping that the anger that is on her face will fade.

"First of all, you should have stopped letting me refill your glass. Second, I have way more experience with drinking a lot of wine. Sorry for waking you up but it is 12 in the afternoon and we have stuff to do, you can sleep some more afterwards." She says clearly a little less annoyed after realising that I must be jetlagged.

She leaves the room and I get up and walk to the bathroom, some towels already placed there and a clean change of clothes along with that. She thought about some clean clothes, that is so sweet of her. I take a quick shower enjoying the hot water that is streaming down my body, waking me up and making me feel a lot better. That and the combination of the painkillers make my hungover basically non existent. I quickly throw on the clean change of clothes, surprised that they fit me so well. I guess me and Scarlett wear the same size. I brush my teeth and walk into the kitchen where some fresh pancakes and eggs are waiting for me. I take a bite and mumble a quick 'thank you' to Scarlett who pours me a glass of orange juice and then begin inhaling the best breakfast that I have had in a while. After finishing I see Scarlett laugh, but I can see a tear falling down her cheek.

"Wait, did I do something wrong?" I ask confused by the emotional display in front of me.

"No you didn't, it's just that Rose does the same thing. I guess this just reminds me of all the things I missed with you and how much I would have loved to see you grow up." She says, sniffling at the end. I get up and give her a big hug.

"I'm sorry that you didn't get to. When I tell my parents I will ask them if they'll send me the pictures and videos from my childhood. We can look at those if you want to. I just have to figure out how to break it to them that I know about all of this." I say still holding her in my embrace.

"Don't you dare get snot all over this sweater, I have seen how you get when you start to cry." I say jokingly, hoping this will lighten the mood that has fallen over us. I am successful as she playfully pushes me away.

"Well this isn't even yours sweater so you can't say anything." She says with a warning tone that I know doesn't mean a lot.

"Well I am stealing it from you, this nice and expensive sweater that a broke student like me could never afford."

We give each other a look before bursting out into laughter. I sit back down to finish eating my breakfast. After that I put on my shoes and coat and we leave to see her lawyer to sign the last documents. We sit in silence for most of the ride, apparently we just like each others company without having to say a word or it just awkwardness that is still there. We are after all basically strangers, I am a stranger that got drunk and slept in her guestroom. We arrive at the office where we will be signing the last documents. We are greeted by a very friendly man that I recognise from the zoom call that we had. We sit down and some documents are pushed towards us.

"Welcome, it is great that we can do this right now and get this out of the way. The situation is easier since miss Y/L/N is 18 and considered to not need a parent or guardian. Now there is a few options that you can choose out of, depending on what you decided on doing together. The first one is that you sign this document here, stating that you will not get in contact ever again and not talk about this with the media or anyone else. The second one is almost the same, you will not talk about it whatsoever but a line of contact will be kept. And the third one gives you both free reign to talk about it, no secrecy is involved and contact will not be limited unless it starts to get illegal. Please let me know what it is you want to do." The man says.

Scarlett and I look at each other knowing what we discussed the night before. I was still unsure about the telling part since we hadn't really discussed it. I know that Scarlett, although trying her best to it as private as possible, leads a very public life. Once this gets out mine and her life will change and I don't know if it will for the better.

"Scarlett what do you want to do about talking about it? I honestly am not very sure if I want the whole world to know right now. I mean I'll do whatever you want, but I'm unsure if I want that." I say

"Darling that is okay. What if we decide that for now we won't make it public keep it to ourselves and then decide it when the time is right. I don't want to make you uncomfortable with having to lead a very public life if that is not what you want." She says reassuring me that we are in this together.

"That sounds like a great plan. It's just that I have a lot to figure out."

"So then it is decided. Let's make a new option. We get to keep in contact, but we decide whether or not we give this out to the media. It is our decision when and who we tell." She says, confident with the decision that was just made by the both of us. The lawyer types up a new document with the rules that will apply to this. We both read it through and then sign it. I might have just signed my life away but it is all worth it. The document also states that both Scarlett and me acknowledge that I am her daughter. The last few things are signed and with the lawyer will take care of it. After it is all don I release a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"Y/N Y/L/N is now officially considered to be your daughter. Congratulations!" the lawyer says before shaking both our hands as we step out of his office to leave. We sit back down in the car and just smile at each other.

"I think it is time for me to get back to the hotel. I have invaded your space and time enough for now." I say

"Why don't you move in for the time being." She asks me bluntly.

"Are you serious, are you sure? I'm fine with being in the hotel." I ask surprised by the unexpected question that just left her mouth.

"Yeah, why not. Colin loves you and I bet Rose will like it to. She told me she likes you when I tucked her in yesterday. Why pay for a hotel room when I have perfectly fine guest room in my house. You're family Y/N, my daughter even. You don't have to stay in a hotel. We would love to have you around. By the way, we haven't really decided how long you will be staying, I'd rather you being comfortable in my house than uncomfortable in the hotel."

"Yeah, I'd love to stay at your house. Although I would not be uncomfortable at the hotel. That room is bigger than the room where I live in Sweden. Have you not realised yet that I didn't grow up with a shit ton of money? These past few days are the most richness I have ever experienced in my life." I say.

"Well lets go to the hotel and pack up your stuff and get you moved into the room. We have to go by the office though because I have meeting there that I need to attend. But I think you'll be able to entertain yourself better than Rose or Cosmo can."

The car stops just after finishing our conversation, knowing that she already told the driver to take us here. we arrive to the room that is still untouched since I barely stayed there. Before I know it all my stuff was packed up and we were once again sitting in the car in silence. 


A/N: Oof not the best impression, waking up hungover at someone's house that you barely know. But you know it happens. 

let me know if there is something that you would like to have included in this story.

Votes and Comments are appreciated.

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