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Scarlett's POV

I am woken up the next morning by an alarm that is way too early for my liking. Your days can get pretty early when you are working on a movie. After getting myself somewhat presentable I get into the kitchen to make some breakfast. I am just wearing some sweats since I will get into costume as soon as possible on set. No need for a fancy outfit. 

As I finish breakfast I see a very sleepy Y/N walk into the kitchen, I must admit I didn't think she would be awake already but I thought wrong.

"Morning my zombie," I say cheerfully, having woken up a bit more during the preparation of breakfast. The cup of coffee I had been sipping on helped the most.

"Morning." She groans, wiping the sleep from her eyes. She makes grabby hands towards the coffee cup I am holding. But I don't give it to her, this is my much-needed caffeine boost.

"Get some yourself, there is still some left in the coffee pot," I tell her. She slowly stands up and makes her way to the coffee pot that is located on the other side of the kitchen island. "You know you didn't have to get up right now. I could have just had a driver pick you up when you are ready." I state, taking another sip of the hot liquid.

"I was rudely woken up by a pan banging on the stove. Now if you don't mind moving your butt, so I can get some milk then I'll be happy." She complains. I move away as I was blocking the door to the fridge. She takes a plate of the pancakes I had just made and starts shoving them into her mouth, all the while with her phone in one hand while the other holds the fork she is eating with.

"Sorry for waking you up darling." I walk over to her and give her an apologetic kiss on the side of her head. "And slow down, you are going to choke if you keep eating like that," I warn her.

"Sorry, mom." She mumbles, mouth still full of food.

After eating some pancakes myself I go to get ready and get the last things I need before leaving for the set. Much to my surprise, Y/N is ready when I walk into the hallway.


I must say, I wasn't that happy when I was woken up by pots banging on the stove at 5 in the morning. But me being me meant that I would not be able to fall asleep again, even though I really needed it. Luckily there are pancakes and coffee waiting for me when I sit down in the kitchen.

Not really ready to talk I pull out my phone to watch something, while I eat. Scarlett's pancakes are the best so I start shoving them into my mouth, one hand holding the fork I am eating with and the other holding my phone that is playing my for you feed.

I finish my pancakes, after having gotten a warning from my mom to eat slower, and leave just a little after her to put some proper clothes on. If I am up this early why not join my mom and go to set with her right now instead of waiting for a little?

After the short drive to set, Scarlett drops me off in her trailer, telling me that I can do whatever I want just before she disappears to get her hair and make-up done. I decide that I can squeeze in a small nap, at least if my body lets me before I will talk to the director about the job he had offered me through Scarlett.

I have been thinking a lot more about making a career out of acting when we went home. I obviously want to keep it a secret for now from her, I don't want her help with this. I want to start out by myself, hopefully preventing the hate you get for being in the industry as a famous parent's kid.

Hearing her tell me that it is going to be hard without an agent made me think if I should approach her agency. But they would probably never accept me unless I tell them that I am her daughter. Which, again, I don't want to do.

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