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I wake up to my phone having practically exploded with messages from all my friends and Flo. The news about Scarlett and me spread like a wildfire. Most messages are just of my friends and their blown minds. Some now realised that the last time when they had asked about my mom sounding like Scarlett that I had lied and that I was in fact talking to the famous actress.

I get out of bed, not yet opening my phone because I am not ready to face all of this attention today. Let me wake up a little better, preferably with the help of some caffeine.

"Morning," I say as I walk into the kitchen where my mom and Colin are sitting together. It is already quite late so Rose has already left for school and Cosmo is with Melanie for the day.

"Morning, how are you feeling?" Colin asks attentively.

"Good I think. I have a lot of notifications from my friends and news articles that are being sent to me." I say showing them my phone screen which is filled with messages.

Luckily people hadn't really been able to find my social media since a lot of that still contains the name of my old parents. I had not really been using the platforms since I started living here, think my phone would have exploded if that was the case.

"What happened to your screen?" Scarlett asks, pointing out that the screen is still broken. I hadn't really had the time to get it fixed and it was still broken from when I dropped it when I got the call from my brother.

"Oh, yeah that happened a few weeks ago. I just haven't gone to fix it. Now that I remember again I should go do that."

"Oh, we are going to meet with my publicist first today. We need to get you ready for this media storm that is going to rain down on you." Scarlett says, putting a plate of toast and eggs in front of me.

I eagerly eat from the plate. Not opening my phone, not really ready to face the sea of messages I have waiting for me as soon as I do.

We eventually leave for the publicist's office after I took some time getting ready. Scarlett's manager/agent is waiting there for us as well.

We go over everything I need to know, I get a crash coursed media training. I spend about two hours there listening and playing out scenarios that could potentially happen. They tell me not to flip off the paparazzi in the future after showing me my own picture that was taken weeks ago when I did said thing.

"What about social media?" I ask, I know that they don't have to worry about that with Scarlett since the only social media she sometimes uses is the outset accounts and those are managed by her employees.

"Well, pull them up and we'll see what has to change." I show them my TikTok account and Instagram. "Okay so for now you don't have your legal last name in there, that is probably why you haven't noticed much change on them. I want to warn you as soon as you do people are going to be able to find you, so I'd say that you delete everything that is on there to give you a blank slate and to avoid any weird stuff getting seen." She says and I know that she is talking about the fan content, about Scarlett, Flo and Lizzie, I made on my TikTok.

So as Scarlett leaves to talk to them alone I go do that. I archive everything that is on there, not ready to permanently delete everything. Except for a few photos on my Instagram that I want to stay because they aren't weird or anything, just some landscape photos. After I do that I change my bio to something better and I change my name on the platforms.

I post the picture from that day in court and write a nice caption under it: "The best day ever and I can finally show it to the world. I love these people with all my heart and I am so happy that I get to be a part of their family."

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